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I walk into the house holding some boxes I close the door as I would move the rest tomorrow morning I lock the door then see Ezra who was wearing a robe I smile "hey" I put the boxes down locking the door "hey" she walks over wrapping her arms around my neck "so I have a small request" she says softly I raise my eyebrow "I'm like feed up with people and I need someone to make me feel good can you do that?" I smirk going to the knot "I think I can" I lean down into a kiss uniting the knot her hands leave my neck I pull away looking at the green color on her skin my blood all went down "fuck" she smiles

My shirt was off and she was pulling me upstairs while I look at her ass I bit my lip once in the room she kisses me unbuttoning my pants I kick them off and pull her on top of me laying on the bed, she pulls away unhooking her bra I sit up taking her one nipple in my mouth she moans "I missed you" she says I grip her ass as I pull away "I missed you" I tell her "now can I make another request?" She starts to grind I close my eyes and nod "yeah"
"Fuck me so hard I have trouble walking" she bites my ear after saying so I pick her up then lay her down on the bed taking my boxers off as she slips her underwear off

As I push in she lets a loud moan out she was tense and tight I kiss her as I start to move I grip her hips bringing them into my slow thrust she pulls away "faster please" she lets a breathless moan out once I did her eyes close and she lays her head back I move my hand up to hers as we intwined our hands she moans out in her language I take my glasses off as I start to sweat already I lean down and kiss her "fuck you feel so good" I tell her she moans I kiss her neck as I fuck her I feel her start to tighten more and then her legs spasm "shit" I lay my head on her shoulder moving slower now I reach my high coming inside her minutes later she comes I pull out and kiss her "Lay down" she says so I did

Her tongue feels so nice licking me as she sucks me off watching her do this was so hot as her eyes almost never left mine as she jerks me off sucking my balls, I grip up some of her hair she comes up saliva coming up I pull her up to me and kiss her "now you lay down" I tell her "yes sir" she smirks I push her down getting between her legs
I start at her clit forgetting how she taste as I did this her leg rest on my shoulder as I began eating her out, she whispers something as put two fingers inside I thrust them as I lick her clit and suck it
Before I knew it she was shaking once more I take my fingers out and put them up to her mouth she moans out putting them in her mouth sucking them as she comes once more


I lay my head in his chest "you get sexier and sexier every time you are under me" I tell him he blushes "really?" He says I nod kissing me "I needed that"I say I was over the shit that people where giving me he puts his hand on my stomach "I hope we started" he says I laugh nodding "but I needed that also" I look at him "you don't think you'll get into college" he rolls his eyes "no" he lies "babe you are with a human lie detector" he groans "yes I am very worried that I wont get in"
"You don't need grad school" I tell him "but I feel like I do" I shake my head "you could still have a really good paying job if not I make enough" he nods then smiles "you make it illegally" I roll my eyes "not really" he shakes his head "I'm going to sleep ok? I have to move more tomorrow" I nod as he pecks lips then turns over "love you"
"Love you" I look at his back smiling I was so lucky


I wake up with arms around me. I look at Ezra who was cuddling me, "Ez" I whisper to her "what?"she groans "get up" she shakes her eyes then turns away from me so I turn and pull her back "what?" She says once more I start to kiss her neck "babe" she says in a breathless voice as I move my hand down to her pussy why did I wake up in a horny mood? I had no clue but I said "I think that I want to burn some stress off" I told her, and before I knew it she was facing me "horny much?" I smile sliding on top of her, legs wrap around me bring me down as I push in

Soft moans leave both of us as I slowly thrust her cums first then I follow "good morning" I say pulling out she rolls her eyes "good morning" I kiss her "so basically we can't sleep naked unless I want to wake up with a dick inside me?" I blush at her words "did you not like it?"
"No I loved it" she slides out from under me I watch as she moves slowly to the bathroom cum dripping down her leg I smile laying back

I look at my phone and see an email from one of the companies I applied to. I smile "Ezra I got a job" I sit up "really?" She asks "yeah it's at a factory near here it's nothing that I've been studying for but I start at 20 dollars" I get out of bed walking into the bathroom she looks back before turning the shower on "no sex" I nod putting my phone down

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