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Ranboo POV:

working in an agency was fun, although stressful. i had free range of what i could do so lopng as i complete the mission so in some ways it was relaxing i guess.

I was only a lower agent. so my missions were based around capturing specific items and bringing them back to base. or i would just simply be tracking down criminals.

However today my boss was pissed!

like extremely pissed. he had called a meeting where all agents of the agency big or small had to attend, which means it was something serious.

whilst i was at my desk i over heard some commotion from behind me, i looked past my stall and saw the one and only manager of the agency talking to his right hand man

"is this really necessary dream?" sapnap asked 

"of course it is. i can't let this slide, they need to be punished and reminded of who's in charge!" he shouted rushing past my space and into his office.

That didn't sound good, does that mean someone in the agency did something bad. or is it something else?

i avoid the questions i kept asking myself, and distracted myself with my work. i had almost done with all of the scheduled assignments.

when i finished i let out a long sigh of relief, i was finally finished. the only issue now was i had to give all the documents to dream.

i collected all the papers in a pile and slowly made my way towards dreams office, i lightly tapped on the door and waited "Come in" i heard from the other side. 

slowly i opened the door and walked in "i have those papers you wanted." i whispered walking over to his desk. placing them on the table

"thank you Agent Ranboo" he said.

i took it as my queue to leave.

i started heading towards the door, grabbing the handle. however then i heard dream speak once again "Agent Ranboo"

"yes sir?" i replied turning around 

"so far you've had a 100% success rate in field correct?" 

"yes sir. however they're only sma-"

"good good. how would you like a promotion?" he asked, placing a somewhat sadistic smile onto his face

"what kind of promotion sir?" i asked 

"to a top agent, i know you've got the ability. you're one of the top scouts in the agency, you'd both literally and figuratively kill it out there. but you have to decide now, or the positiotn will go to someone else, say quackity?"

it took me a moment to think, a moment too long apparently "Ranboo i need an answer"

the pressure got to me and i simply repsonded with a "yes sir. thank you sir"

"good" dream smiled. "this is your first assignment" he handed me a folder, inside it gave me details about where i had to go and what i had to do.

it said i had to kill the leader of the english branch of the agency, and his two assistants 

"sir wouldn't someone with a bit more experience be better equipped for such a job?" i asked, my voice quivering ever so slightly

"well i'm not risking sapnap, and techno is still recovering from his last mission. the others already have connections with the english branch so you're the only one i trust who is qualified. now go, you're plane leaves tomorrow"

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