Take Aim

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Ranboo POV

I knew i had to up my game, the brits were on to me. i had to practise and prepare.

During the morning i researched the area and went over all the information i had about my remaining targets. i planned a route to based on where they are commonly scene trying to see if i had any vantage points.however i had to remember they would all be on hugh alert.

next i spent my afternoon doing shooting practise, this time making the targets move in sporadic directions to sharpen my aim.

"another perfect set?" bad asked

i let out a low chuckle "just making sure my aim is sharp"

"you aim's never dull sir" bad laughed handing me a muffin 

"did you make yourself any... you need to eat" i asked

"i can make some more if you request sir"

"then i would like some more. and i demand that you eat them" i smiled

bad then lifted his lips to smile too. "then i'll make some more"

the rest of the night was quite dull, nothing happened. i spent my entire time absorbed in my work. trying to find the master plan to assassinate my final two.

when it got later in the night it started to rain "english weather" i said out loud, looking back at my paper, not long after bad came into my room and grasped my attention "ca- can i stay in here for a bit?" he asked his voice sounding...sad

"yeah of course... what's wrong?" i asked patting my bed whilst i stayed at my desk

"it- it says that there's going to be thunder and i- i don't like it" bad cried

"oh... stay as long as you need" i spoke sending him a soft smile.

he laid down on my bed and i went back to writing a plan

"how did you feel?" bad asked out of the blue


"when you killed. how did it feel?" 

a moment of silence occurred and then passed, it wasn't awkward but i wasn't comfortable.

"i'm sorry you don't have to answer" bad apologised 

"no no it's fine, just if i'm honest nothing emotional really happened... i didn't feel sad but i did throw up" i slightly chuckled

"i think that makes sense" bad spoke

"have you ever killed?" i asked putting my work away for the night

"no... i was meant to but i couldn't bring myself to doing it" bad admitted

"what happened?"

"i fell in love... i couldn't kill him once i looked into his eyes"

"if loves that powerful i hope it never happens"

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