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Ranboo POV:

instinctively i pushed tubbo away and started observing where the sound came from, i knew we had been shot out but where from was the question.

i glanced to each possible entry and exit point the bullet could have come from until my eyes eventually landed on a whole in the large glass window overlooking the city.

"OH FOR FUCK SAKE" tubbo screamed, i immediately panicked and rushed over to him 

"are you heart, did the bullet hit you?" i practically shouted

"no nothing like that just i wish we'd just  get a moment of fucking peace and privacy so i could-" and then another shot was heard "DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN!" he shouted

i dragged him up into my arms and ran once again, this was becoming tiring, constantly running to and from place to place.

i needed to find somewhere completely safe, or of the grid.

i looked around looking for any clues as to where i could go 

"go to our HQ" tubbo suggested


"go to the British HQ, i'll tell them you're helping me... we'll be safe there" tubbo continued, yawning as he finished his sentence. 

i realised there weren't many better options so i made my way to the building.

it wasn't the closest but i knew it was better than just standing around and waiting to be shot.

the constant worry of being killed was what kept my legs from collapsing along the journey, and at some point along the way tubbo fell asleep in my arms.

when i finally made it to HQ rushing in at full pace probably wasn't the best idea as i was immediately aimed at by multiple guards and personnel.

"why do you have Agent Tubbo... and what have you done to him?" one of the guards shouted getting gradually closer

"i've rescued him from the American agency, they tried to kill him and George please you need to protect him" i answered.

they got closer and closer, i laid tubbo on the floor and backed away.

"Where's George?" one of the guards asked 

i gave him instructions on how to get to George and he got a few men and left presumably to find and assist him. as for Tubbo he was taken to the infirmary and then that left me.

I was still surrounded by a few guards, all of them looking ready to fire at any given moment

"you need to come with me?" one of the Guards said

"wh- why?" 

"you'll need to answer some questions so we can prove you're not a threat" the guard answered 

"NO. I want to wit with tubbo, i need to know that he's going to be alright" i returned 

however it probably wasn't the best idea as i then felt a harsh force to the back of my head and then everything went black.

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