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Ranboo POV:

my eyes went blurry, and my throat went dry.

this wasn't like the last times my throat went dry, because of tubbo, this felt so much worse, like my throat was clamping up  stopping me from breathing, 

my hand held tubbo's tightly, grasping it like my life depended on it, which it seemed like it did.

i could feel tubbo's hand squeeze back trying to reassure me.

"Dream please don't do this i- i'll do anything you want, just please stop this" i tried to reason, but his eyes were filled with anger and sadistic ideas.

"anything?" dream asked, slowly tilting his head

"anything" i confirmed

dream ordered bad to place George on the ground, i could see his chest still moving up and down signifying he was still alive.

i let out a sigh of relief and went bad to looking at dream "well there is one thing" dream said

"yes! what is it. i'll do it" i returned, my voice subconsciously raised itself

"die" dream laughed, then he moved his hand to a thumbs up. 

the next thing i heard was a gun firing, without even seeing the gun. The world felt like it was moving in slow motion, everything from my breathing patterns to the looks all the agents were giving me.

however i felt a tug from behind me, angling me away from the bullet and making me fall back. 

everything went back to normal.

i patted parts of my body, trying to feel a bullet wound of some kind but i felt nothing, no pain, no hole.

'maybe it was a blank' i thought rushing to stand up to confront dream.

but that's when i saw a pool of blood  surrounding my feet on the floor, i followed the trail and saw that it was coming from tubbo.

"TUBBO YOU IDIOT!" i screamed holding his head and allowing him to fall back slowly

This was enough for Phil to grab the gun from his holster and start firing, causing a full scale battle to occur. 

but i didn't pay any attention to that, my eyes couldn't look away from tubbo. 

i felt the water in my eyes, and the tears falling from them, the hot water streamoing down my face and then onto the floor.

"why?" i cried holding tubbo 

"because i've lost one love, i'm not losing another" he whispered

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