Prisoner Pain

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Ranboo POV:

i decided to sleep, after eating i normally feel a little drowsy so a nap would do a world of good.

i woke up and it was pitch black outside, i turned my phone on to check the time, my eyes squinting at the bright beaming light


i groaned, deciding it would be best to get out of bed. i put on a change of clothes and headed out for a run, to clear my head of the foggy thoughts held within it, the run didn't last long, only 10 minutes worth.

i came back to the manor and poured myself an orange juice, and sat down, i glanced at my office thinking if it would be wise to work on a way to get to George, but the thought immediately got pushed to the back of my mind. 

Instead i could ask Tubbo.

the thought of talking to him surrounded my brain, so much so that an unwanted smile crept onto my lips

and before i could think any further my legs were taking me to the prison cell, i walked through the door and saw the illuminated glass room with Tubbo surprisingly awake sitting on his bed with his knees up to his chest and his face buried within them.

i unlocked the door, not caring that bad wasn't awake to let me out, i felt surprisingly comfortable with an enemy agent locked in a glass room with me.

as the door closed and made a clicking sound Tubbos body shivered and he jumped back shouting "STAY AWAY!" tubbo backed away to his wall, not having looked at me.

"DON'T HURT ME PLEASE!" tubbo pleaded

i slowly walked over and grabbed his leg gently "hey, hey it's me... i'm not going to hurt you" tubbo looked up, there were tears in his eyes but that wasn't the main issue.

His right eye was cut just above his eyebrow and a long trail of dried blood had slithered down his face, his lip was swollen and his cheeks were bruised.

Tubbo latched himself onto me in a hug "you came back!" he cried, digging his head into my shoulder 

"i said i would... what happened?" i asked moving him away from me slowly and cupping his face to have a better look at him

"your partner, he- he... he fucking brutalised me! i wouldn't tell him anything. COULDN'T tell him anything, but he didn't believe me. he just get hitting me and beating me"

that doesn't sound like the bad i've grown to know, the bad that loves to cook, the bad that's afraid of thunder, he couldn't do this.

yet the evidence was so clear

"it's alright... i'm here now" i soothed rubbing tubbo's head, he slowly fell into my lap and closed his eyes, i continued to stroke his head until i heard soft snoring.

i looked down to see tubbo sleeping and gaining some much needed rest, before i knew it my eyes started to feel heavy and i drifted if to sleep with hm.

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