Bad Luck

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Ranboo POV:

my eyes slowly glided open, the bed i laid on felt different, it felt rougher. worse material than i had gotten used to over the past few days.

my chest also felt heavy, like there was an unknown weight holding me down, at first i panicked thinking maybe i had been paralysed by some form of drug, but as my eyes grew accustomed to the light i noticed a sleeping figure, resting on my chest.

then i remembered the events of last night, coming in here, seeing tubbo all bloody and beaten. petrified, scared of what bad would do and had done. 

tubbo moved ever so slightly and began stirring awake, "good morning" i whispered

"huh- what the fuck!" tubbo panicked immediately jumping up and running away from me

"Tubbo, it's me, you don't have to be worried, i'm not-" i was cut off by tubbo shouting

"SAVE IT! i don't care about your good cop bad cop routine... i don't have any information for you. i don't know where George is so i can't help you" 

i felt something within me, light a sharp pain in my body.

i let out a sigh and faced the floor 

"i'm sorry...i'm really not trying to do anything" i apologised, suddenly the door opened and in came bad, he had a smile on his face and handed me a muffin "you haven't had breakfast" he said.

i took the muffin thanking him as i did so, just before i left i looked over at tubbo who was visibly shaking in what one would assume to be fear, but this was my job. i hated it. 

I left the glass box closing the door behind me, bad stayed inside to interrogate tubbo further, however this time i stayed o watch, to see if bad was really...bad

for the first ten minutes things went as could be expected, bad sat down and asked some questions and tubbo refused to answer. then bad snapped.

first he threw the chair at tubbo, who managed to move out of the way, however he was then pounced on by bad who repeatedly punched him in the face, making sure tubbo couldn't move or getup.

Bad didn't stop, blow after blow. until tubbo couldn't move anymore, sudddenly bad pulled out a knife from his back pocket and wedged it into tubbo's chest, only slightly enough to scar and make him bleed, but not enough to kill him. it was ruthless.

Bad finally  got up and threw tubbo onto his bed, making the wound on his chest widen. then he walked towards the door and pressed his bleeper. 

I waited a couple minutes and then finally opened the door, to avoid suspicion, and bad said "hello" with such an innocent smile plastered on his face.

it made me feel sick to my stomach.

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