The Search

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Tubbo POV:

i began by putting the number plate in the scanner, the numbers were run, at first there Wasn't a  match. 

i groaned out loud, "guess i have to do it manually" i rubbed the temples on my head, hoping to relieve some stress... i didn't work.

this was the most annoying task i'd ever done, having to go through every camera in London, searching for a black car, with a specific number plate.

I managed to track the car back to a certain estate and neighbourhood.

"i got an idea of where they are" i said to George

"take whatever you need, get them gone" George stated, not blinking once handing me  a key to the agencies gun locker.

i took the liberty of loading up on weapons and ammunition, making sure i had more than i need, to kill an American rat.

I decided it would be best to go on foot, it wasn't the furthest place and walking was the least trackable, so long as i used random pathways and areas that aren't recorded.

eventually i made it to the area the car was last scene, i put a mask on and began walking around, climbing a few buildings to see if i could find it.

the car itself wasn't visible, however from a higher view i could see a heavily guarded manor, that had to have the assassin in. 

i slowly searched the perimeter of the area trying to find a way in, but the only entrance i could find was by climbing a small section of the wall that wasn't guarded by an automatic gun. 

i gradually made my way up a tree, using binoculars to see inside. i spent a good hour just staring at the manor, glancing at each room briefly, as it got towards lunch time, i saw two men emerge from a downwards staircase. 

one of them was unfamiliar presumably the driver, he had black hair with glasses and fair skin.

but the other one. he seemed so... different without the mask, but it was definitely the same guy who shot at me and killed my tommy.

his skin was slightly tanned, probably from the American sun, and his hair was long and floofy, which could easily block his eyes if he let it, but his eyes were a pleasant grey, and i never noticed it from the footage but he was fucking tall... like he was a giant, trying to fight him in hand to hand combat couldn't be an option. 

i loaded up a sniper and aimed, it towards my two targets, and fired. unfortunately the bullet bounced of the glass revealing it to be bullet proof, suddenly the entire manor became alert and started shutting down with the windows being closed and guns being activated, i quickly hoped off of the tree and into the manor, sneaking inside to find my prey.  

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