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Ranboo POV:

the noise moved the building, and from outside you could see a mountain of smoke

"what the fuck was that?" Tubbo asked

"i- i don't know" i replied.

i ran over to the glass pane hoping to get a better view, but i still couldn't see anything.

phil rushed by the room and tried to get in only to find that the door was locked, he banged on the door and shouted for us to come out "Ranboo, Tubbo get out! the buildings on fire!" he shouted.

Tubbo immediately sprung out of bed and darted to the door, dragging me with him.

he held my hand whilst he pulled me through the corridors, and whilst i should probably be fearing for my life but tubbo's hand felt so soft, and so comforting that i felt calm and safe.

we got to a set of stairs and i looked down, the drop was daunting but we had to go. 

we practically leaped down each floor, trying to get out of the building before it could consume our lungs.

it managed to work and we exited the building however once we were out, we saw everyone in the agency with their hands up, and staring at Dream who had an army of his own behind him.

He was wearing his iconically sadistic mask with wet blood dripping down it, next to him stood Sapnap who had put his white bandana on and to Dream's right stood bad, with George's body in his arms.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!" Tubbo screamed 

Dream turned his attention to us, tilting his head and waving "Hello Toby,  and hello Ranboo how nice of you to join us, we were just talking about you" 

"Why are you doing this?" i asked standing in front of tubbo trying my best in anyway to protect him.

"well i'm gonna be honest ranboo at first it was pettiness, but now... sine you've betrayed me and for some british scum no less, this means so much more than a stupid breakup" 

my eyes narrowed and i could hear myself audibly growl, Tubbo's hand tightened slightly around mine.

"This was pointless then! you started this, not ranboo. you killed so many people you didn't have to over a breakup. YOU KILLED WILBUR!" tubbo screamed

Dream backed away and placed a hand on his heart acting offended "how dare you? i didn't kill wilbur... that honour goes to our lovely resident sniper" 

just then a red dot was pointed at my chest and i could see a smirk develop on dream's face 

"ranboo i believe you've briefly met him... and tubbo meet you're friends killer


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