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Ranboo POV:

"shall we begin the tour sir" bad asked and i simply nodded. 

the second we walked through the door i was overwhelmed by the intricate placement of everything. as if it was designed to trip you up.

"this place is purposely crowded and there is a specific way to get though, by following these instructions, if you don't follow them you'll get shot by the hidden guns on each side of the room" bad said handing me a piece of paper.

i followed the instructions and once the first room was left the rest of the house was magnificen. it was so spacious, and pretty. 

"this is the main room. you can get anywhere from this room. up those stairs is the master bedroom with it's own bathroom, and down the stairs is the artillery room, with all the weapons you'd ever want. it also has a shooting range to test or sharpen your abilities. to the left is my room, and another bathroom and to the right is the kitchen just next to the main office" bad smiled pointing at everything as he mentioned it.

"thank you bad. is it ok if i go lie down for a bit, i'm still a bit tired and jet lagged" i asked 

"of course sir, if you'd like i can make you some muffins" 

"that would be lovely" i smiled heading towards my new bedroom..

the bedroom was lovely, a wonderful king sized bed with black and white sheets which matched the aesthetic of the room.

the bathroom was also wonderfully big.

i rested my head down on the pillows, almost sinking into the bed. This was relaxing. is this what all top agents get on missions?

after a bit of relaxation a knock was heard on my bedroom door

"i have your muffins sir" i heard from the other side

"oh come in bad... thank you for the muffins" i said

he placed a tray of muffins on the bedside table, i took one and sunk my teeth into it. the taste of it was delectable, i couldn't get enough

"are they good? i'm a bit rusty i haven;'t had to cook or bake for anyone since my boyfriend boke up with me"

"i'm sorry to hear that bad. but these are divine" i spoke. eating another "have one" i added handing one to him 

"i really shouldn't they were made for you" bad defended 

"i insist" i smiled 

bad finally took the muffin from be, and took a bite. "do you like it?" i chuckled 

"mhmm" bad responded, his mouth still full.

"told you they were amazing"


a few hours past, and i felt the need to sharpen up my shooting skills, so i headed towards the artillery room. and it may as well have been a complete army barracks.

weapons ranging from extra sharp knives to a damn bazooka. it was insane.

i grabbed a simple pistol then went to the shooting range. i put up a target and took it a decent distance down the track.

i lined up the shot and began firing, i did feel a bit rusty but i managed to hit the target every time, not dead centre every time though which upset me, and mace me slightly annoyed. 

soon bad came down and observed me. the added pressure of being watched didn't put me off, in fact it made me aim better if anything because my perfect shots were more consistent.

"oh my lord! you've got the best aim i've ever seen!" bad exclaimed

"really?" i asked grabbing the nape of my neck 

"definitely! you said this is your first top agent mission?"

"yeah... why"

"with accuracy like that how has dream not made you a top agent sooner!" 

"well i don't really use guns much i guess i'm just a natural" i laughed

"you'll finish this mission very quickly i have no doubts" 

"yeah... just have to kill three people" i mumbled

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