Agent Affair

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Tubbo POV:

i found my way into the manor garden. creeping around jumping from bush to bush, trying my hardest to remain hidden.

conveniently enough my small stature helped with blending in i suppose.

i eventually made it to what i assumed to be the back door, i attempted to open it only for it to be locked "typical" i groaned.

i reached for my pocket pulling out lock picking equipment, and got straight to work at breaking through the door.

it took a couple of attempts and a few broken bobby pins later but i finally managed to get through the lock, the door opened and inside was a pitch black room.

i mentally cursed myself for not bringing any form of night vision but i guess it can't be helped now. my eyes got used to the dark ever so slightly, so i could make out a few objects within the room. i could finally tell that it was the kitchen of the house, with an oven and sink and other needed equipment.

i slowly manoeuvred through the kitchen, trying not to knock anything over or make a sound to alert the two agents of my arrival or whereabouts more than i already have.

after successfully making it out of the kitchen i was introduced to a large hall, surrounded by rooms, although still dark it was easier to see. there was one room illuminated however so i crept towards the light. 

the room itself was void of any agents however there was a single lamp on highlighting a piece of paper.

i walked over and glanced at it, upon looking at the paper it showed plans for assassination on me, George and Tommy. 

it showed the abandoned tower tommy was killed in, he wasn't there to kill tommy that day, he was there to kill George, but tommy defended him. he was always a better guard than i was.

i turned the page over and saw plans for another assassination attempt, this was the one at trafalgar square, once again the plan was to only kill George, i wasn't involved.

i heard a creak from outside the room and quickly hid behind the corner, with a firearm at the ready.

The soft patter of rain was beginning to be heard from outside which made hearing the incoming footsteps harder to hear but i simply listened, waiting for them to grow close enough for me to pounce.

suddenly the footsteps stopped, and many moments past and nothing could be heard, only the rain which rapidly grew in speed. now becoming something of a thunderstorm.

however even past the rain the silence in this manor was unbearable, was someone there? was i hearing things?

all my questions were quickly answered however 

"you must be agent Tubbo"

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