Bee vs boo

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Ranboo POV:

"And who are you" the short man asked, his eyes darting to different areas of the room, presumably looking for an exit

"I'm the guy you really shouldn't be messing with" I returned.

The room was dark, unbelievably dark.

But I could see the outline of tubbo. He quickly ran to the side, attempting to get past me but I tripped him by out stretching my leg.

"Fuck" he cursed as he fell to the ground.

Suddenly the lights came back on and I could see Tubbo attempting to scamper away.

Once he got some distance he reached for his back pocket pulling out a knife.

"Do you know what you've done" Tubbo growled aiming the blade towards

"Excuse me?" I returned tilting my head but continuing to stare at the knife, preparing for any form of attack

"You killed him!" Tubbo yelled lunging towards me, I deflected the knife causing it to fall out of Tubbo's hands and on to the floor

"It was my job!" I screamed back trying to put Tubbo in some form of chokehold but it was to no avail

"He was my boyfriend!" Tubbo yelled, shoving me away but keeping my arm in place to twist it making me Yelp ever so slightly.

"Listen! I wouldn't have done it if I had a choice" I pulled my arm back dragging Tubbo with it.

I leaned and threw a punch, it connected with his side and he threw a wild haymaker landing on my jaw making me loose balance.

We continued to go after each other, blow after blow. Dodge after dodge.

There was blood sweat and involuntary tears seeping into the floor.

"Stop!" I yelled grabbing his arms and pinning him up to a wall.

I could see the fear in his eyes, he mustn't be used to loosing.

"Please! I don't want to kill you, I'll lie or something I just need to kill George" I tried to bargain.

His eyes softened "I- I can't let you do that. He's my boss" Tubbo said, his voice in a soft tone, his actual voice

"Please. I don't want to kill you, I hated the feeling of murder" I sighed

"You took him from me" Tubbo cried

"I'm- I'm sorry, like I really am" I spoke. My eyes slowly drifted down, they were meant to fall to the floor but they became locked on Tubbo's lips.

"Tubbo I-"

I was cut of by a knife flying past me and digging into the wall next to Tubbo's head.

I turned around and saw bad standing proudly "I've prepared a room for our guest"

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