The Talk

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Ranboo POV:

i woke up slowly, my head felt heavy and everything looked blurry, i looked around and noticed i was in a dark room, to my left there was a huge glass window, and infront of me was a pitch black table.

on the other side of the table there was a man, slowly drinking his coffee with a large document in his right hand.

"oh you're finally awake, you've been out for quite some time" the man said

suddenly all the memories of how i got here came back, Dream, Being shot at... then tubbo being taken away.

"Where's tubbo? is he ok?" i asked, feeling much more awake

"Agent Tubbo is fine, he's recovering quite well. you seem pretty invested in his health... which is strange for someone who kidnapped him and murdered his boyfriend" the man replied

" you know who i am?" i sighed

"yes, we did our research, you've been quite an impressive agent so far, first high end mission and successfully taking out a target and kidnapping another, it's very good.  and you're young you'd have a good career" the man spoke

"who are you... may i ask?" 

"my name is agent Philza or phil. and i'm acting Agency leader whilst George is MIA"

i twiddled my thumbs and averted my eyes, all the possibilities of what was about to happen kept flashing in my mind, my brain not settling on one specific outcome, instead it combined all of them. However every scenario resulted in my own death

"what's going to happen to me?" i sighed, looking down in defeat

"well if i looked at all the evidence and events on the surface, i'd say we should kill you and get it over with, telling the Americans that we're even now and going on with our lives" he answered

i could feel a tear drip from my eye, and my lips began to quiver 

"however... Toby seemed to take a liking to you since he was in your captivity... i don't know whether it's Stockholm syndrome or if he just likes you but he doesn't want you to die. he's made his case quite firmly, in fact he wanted to be the first person you saw when you woke up. But i needed to know you aren't a threat so tell me. Who is toby to you" Phil added

So tubbo... like me?



"tubbo... tubbo made me feel the happiest i've been in a long time, maybe ever. but when he was in danger the feeling that engraved itself into my stomach was one i never want to feel again"

phil simply smiled 

"can i see him?" i aksed

Phil nodded his head before standing up and walking over to me offering his hand for me to shake 

"let's go see Toby"

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