Day one

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Ranboo POV:

waking up from a bed much more comfortable than what i'm used to was lovely, the blanket felt like silk to the touch, and the mattress was so soft i could fall asleep all over agin. 

but unfortunately i had to get up. today was a big day. today was the day i assassinate the english branch leader, and his two loyal minions.

"hey bad?" i asked leaving my room and seeing him sat at the table

"hmm" he returned taking a sip of his coffee

"do you know why dream wants me to kill the english branch?"

"i haven't the faintest idea, i did hear a rumour that it was something about the english branch betraying the Americans"  bad sighed 

"well that's not good" i said.

i got some food and then went to the artillery, i grabbed a small sniper and a couple sidearms as well as a couple of knives just in case. then i told bad where to take me and we got in the car and drove

"have you ever... you know" bad asked, looking at me through the rear view mirror


"you know what i mean"

"i'm sorry i don't get what you mean"

"have you ever killed someone" bad finally said 

"oh" i replied, taking a moment to zone out and stair out the car "no... i've never killed, but it's my job so i have to go through with it"

"yeah i suppose, you know who you have to kill right?" bad asked

"yeah, the leader and his two guards"

"do you know their names, i've never- no ones ever told me" bad said, looking back towards the road

"yeah, the leader is called George, codename notfound, his two bodyguards are toby smith, codename tubbo and tommy, codename child" i answered

"three people on your first mission is a lot, and they're big targets aswell" bad spoke finally pulling up to the spot i directed him to go to.

"i think i can handle it, i'll call you when i need you" i said and we exchanged goodbyes 

i told bad to take me to this tower just across from the english branch HQ, i had been told that George's office was on the 14th floor and there was a large glass window he would occasionally look out from, this was a perfect way to kill him, it was the reason i brought a sniper.

i slowly made my way up the tower, checking every space to make sure i wouldn't be caught by cameras, also making sure i would be level with george's office if not higher.

when i reached a height that satisfied me i crouched down and set up my spot. 

slowly piecing the sniper together kept glancing at the HQ in hopes of seeing anyone in the room, however no one was there yet.

i laid on the ground and put the scope to my eye, aiming into the office. 

It took a long time of waiting, but someone finally entered, and it was the one and only George. i knew the glass wasn't bulletproof so i could take the shot, all i had todo was account for bullet drop and wind but it's never been a problem so i simply lined up my shot and held my breath, ready to shoot.

"what do you think you're doing?"

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