Private Guard

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Tubbo POV:

"What do you mean tom- Child's missing!" i exclaimed fidgeting with my fingers behind my back

"we haven't heard from him since he checked the perimeter yesterday" george replies

"well have you sent out a search party... or-or go along his route and see if he fell asleep or something" i said, my breath hyperventilating, although i tried not to show it. i can't show any signs of weakness. or i'd lose my position

"we HAVE sent out a search team, we're doing our best to find him, i know how close you two are. it's what makes you two a great team. now go out there and find him, if you find him quicker than the search party then i'll give you a raise" George smiled ushering me out of his office.

i rushed downstairs and left HQ following tommy's usual route, including the subway he goes to. i asked some questions whilst i was in there, seeing if they had seen him. it turns out the last time he was there was yesterday, somewhere in the early morning.

after every question i had was answered i continued to follow his footsteps, finally reaching the abandoned tower.

i stepped inside and started climbing the stairs, having a quick glance at every floor as i went up. i couldn't see any thing but once i got slightly higher in the complex there was a horrid stench. 

i could also hear the sound of flies and other insects. it was revolting. i'm sure most people would've left but i decided to investigate.

finally reaching the floor that held the unbearable stench i began my search, it took a couple of corners but i finally found the source of the foul smell.

however once i found the cause, the smell didn't matter to me anymore. my legs turned to jelly forcing me to collapse onto the ground.


my tommy.



"who did this" i whispered out knowing no one could hear me and i wouldn't get an answer

"why!" i screamed causing some pigeons to fly away. 

i sobbed and screeched. cried and called out to anyone who could do anything

no one was here though.

no one but me and the lifeless body of my partner, my boyfriend

i sat with the corpse for a few minutes just talking, it was aimed at tommy but realistically it was to myself

 "i promise to you. i will find who did this, i will track them down, i will torture them and find out why they did this, and after they've been begging for mercy. only then will i kill them. and then you can get revenge in the after life"

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