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Ranboo POV:

So someone one dying today, if need be then I can always kill George, but I don't need to.

We went to the area of George's how, it was part of his plan, the plan to kill bad.

Bad parked where I told him to and remained in the car as I got out, I walked over to his window and tapped on it slightly.

He rolled his window down and lean his head out "yes sir what is it" he asked

"Maybe you could help me on this mission" I smiled pulling the door open to let him out "I could do with the extra set of eyes"

A soft smile crept onto bads face whilst he nodded getting out of the car.

"This is so exciting" he jumped

The truth was, George purposefully picked this area of London for two reasons, reason number 1 was that it was private, no people any where.
Reason number 2 was that there were tall buildings.

This was where wilbur came into play, he was currently on top of one of the buildings hopefully lining up a shot for when George gives the signal.

This was the most confident I'd been in a while.

A few minutes passed and bad was helping me 'look' for George who finally appeared.

"THERE!" Bad shouted

My eyes darting to where he was pointing to see George strolling along the path, this was where the plan came into fruition.

I rushed towards George, tackling him to the ground like we planned, he threw a wild punch making me get off of him and backing away.

Bad also rushed in and tackled George back to the floor, when George punched this time is was more tactical, aiming at his stomach so he backed away, internally gassed.

As bad stood next to me allowing George to get up he started laughing "you really think I'd let you kill me?"

"Sorry... it's just orders" I growled aiming my gun at George, I pointed it to the side like a stereotypical gangster which was the sign for wilbur

The next thing that was heard was a gunshot, my eyes instinctively closed from the loud sound, when I opened my eyes I expected to see bad laying on the floor in a pool of his own blood.

Instead he was completely fine, so was I, so was George. But a bullet was definitely fired.

All of a sudden I heard a large crash, my head turned towards the origin of the sound, and rushed over.

When we got to where the sound came from it was wilbur, his dead body crashed into a bin from a great height, and a bullet hole straight through his head.

Me and George looked at each other, both sharing a confused and concerned expression, then we hard a sadistically slow clap

When we turned around we saw a disgustingly similar mask, covering dirty blonde hair.

"Well done Agent Ranboo you've done even better than I thought you would" Dream laughed

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