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Ranboo POV:

I didn't move, i remained aiming at George 

"cause it looks like you're trying to assassinate my boss" he said

i remained silent, thinking. i let my breath go and looked away from the scope turning towards whoever was talking to me 

"so which one are you?" i asked 

"huh?" the boy asked, showing a face of visible confusion. 

"child or tubbo? i know you have to be one of them so which one are you" 

"god i hate that codename. just call me tommy i don't fucking care about privacy. but still it doesn't answer my questions,  what are you doing" tommy said, his voice becoming more and more agitated.

"nothing that concerns you. run along back to your boss, and get a new objective like a good dog" i huffed 

it was at that moment that tommy attacked, lunging forward with a blade he had grabbed from his back pocket.

i'd never been good at hand to hand contact, but my instincts kicked in. 

i moved out of the way of the coming attack grabbing, tommy's wrist and twisting it forcing him to drop the knife. he cried in pain but then used his other arm to hit me with an uppercut. I felt blood within my mouth, but i ignored it facing tommy again.

this time i initiated the attack swinging with my right and jabbing with my left. tommy did a good job avoiding my attacks but he couldn't counter since my reach was too far for him. 

although eventually he blocked one of my punches and twisted it so i fell to my knees. soon he moved my own arm behind making me shout in pain, then he realised i had a blade of my own in my back pocket.

he grabbed it with his free hand and put it to my throat, the sharp end was slowly digging into my neck releasing a bit of blood.

"who the fuck are you" tommy shouted adding more pressure to the blade, i was holding his arm trying to put the blade away.

"no one!"

"don't fuck with me or you die. who the fuck are you!?"

"Agent Ranboo american branch, but you won't tell anyone that" i said

"and why's that?" 

"because you'll be dead" 

then i reached for my side pocket pulling out a pistol and shooting it behind me, blasting a whole clean through his head

"sh- shit!" i screamed 

"my- my first kill. i feel- i feel" i said to myself before throwing up.

i aimed away from the body but it still managed to get everywhere.

i picked up my own and tommy's knife and read the engraving on it 'from bee' it said 

then i collected my sniper and called bad

it only took him around five around five minutes to get to my location. he opened the car door and let me in

"did you do it?" he asked 

"1 down 2 to go" i replied

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