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Ranboo POV:

Moving around the building was creepy, almost every agent would stare at me, some from sadness but most in anger.

"I assume everyone here knows about what did?" i asked walking behind Phil

"yeah pretty much, and i'd advise you to stay as far away from Jack as possible" Phil said as we stepped into the elevator.

as the elevator began to go up, a soft tune began playing, it was different to other generic elevator tunes. This was a slow guitar being strummed in a melodic way.

"The tune was written by one of our agents" phil said

i looked at him confused 

"i could tell you were listening to the song. truth is one of our agents is quite the musician so he made this song for us and we use it in the elevators, i think he's on a mission right now but i'm sire you'll meet him at some point" phil smiled

i returned the smile and nodded.

suddenly the elevator came to a stop and phil started walking again 

he stopped in front of a door and knocked. I waited a couple of seconds until i heard the familiar voice shout "come in!" 

the door was opened and Phil stepped in leaving me in the hall way "there's someone who wants to see you" he said "Ranboo you may enter" 

i walked in to the room and saw tubbo, his face lit up and the smile on his face grew even wider, his lips practically touching his ears.

it brought back the now familiar feeling in my stomach, and the lump in my throat, which slowly turned dry 

"i'm glad that you're ok tubbo" i said 

"i guess i should give you two some privacy, and Ranboo... don't leave this building wihtout my permission" Phil said

i nodded and he left the room

i turned back to tubbo and smiled at him "Hey tubbo" i greeted. i went to sti down but Tubbo stopped me 

"before you sit... lock that door, because if someone walks in whilst i do what i'm going to do, so help me god i will shoot them"

the way he spoke was almost frightening, the threat that didn't feel empty whatsoever was enough to persuade me to lock the door.

"better?" i asked after locking it

"much... now get over here" tubbo smiled

i sat down on the chair that was placed next to the bed

"have i told you that you're very pretty" tubbo said.

my face heated up, and my heart skipped a beat "Tubbo are you on any medication" i almost laughed rubbing the back of my neck 

"nope" he answered popping the 'p'

he leaned towards me from his bed and used one arm to grab the collar of my shirt

"i'm just coming to senses with my feelings" tubbo added

he slowly dragged me closer to him and leaned more towards me, i could've back away or stopped him but i didn't want to, this felt right 

"what- what feelings" i asked 

"the same feelings you have for me"

that was it, the gap that was between us diminished as his lips touched mine.

they were softer than i could have possibly imagined, and they tasted sweeter than honey, my eyes closed and all that was there was the overwhelming feeling of blissfulness. 

it felt as if all the worries before this moment didn't matter anymore, Problems with Dream, and bad vanished the second i touched his lips 

we broke away and caught our breath "that was worth all the interruptions" tubbo laughed

"that was amazing" i returned.

then we heard an explosion.

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