Knives out

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Ranboo POV:

It had been a couple of hours and bad still hadn't pressed his beeper, it was concerning.

I don't know what he was doing in there but he was taking a long time, any longer and I'd have to go down there.

As if on queue however the bleeper went on and I quickly walked down to open the door for him, when I looked past him and into the room, for a moment I couldn't see Tubbo until bad pointed out he was on the bed

"He fell asleep, I didn't really get anything out of him so we'll have to try tomorrow, he's not allowed to eat until he talk ok?" Bad smiled and nodded in agreement.

I thought it might've been a bit harsh but he is a prisoner, and a target. I'm meant to kill him.

We walked together away from the hidden room and towards the kitchen "muffins?" Bad suggested and I chuckled slightly nodding

As bad started to bake I looked around the main hall, and then back at bad wielding his equipment and remember what he did

"I didn't know you could throw knives" I said standing by him once again

"It's a long story" bad spoke

"We've got time" I smiled

Bad laughed slightly and looked at me

"Alright... when I was young I lost my parents, and I got adopted by the agency, my 'mother' was a lovely woman called puffy, she cared for me and trained me,  eventually she realised I wasn't any good for guns and started me on throwing knifes, or tomahawks and I entered tournaments and really for the hang of it"

I smiled as he spoke, he was really passionate about this, and then another question came to my mind

"And one more question"

He hummed in acknowledgment

"How did you meet your old boyfriend?"

Bad let out a slow sigh.

"It was a mission to kidnap a young girl, she was going to be held for ransom by the company in order to prevent a terrorist attack... skeppy was protecting her, we got into a little bit of a scuffle and I came out on top, but then when I looked into his eyes I felt this...feeling. In my stomach, that bubbled up and made me feel at peace, I knew I couldn't kill him. My body wouldn't let me"

Bad seemed sad now, but the way he spoke about his own feelings reminded me of-
I can't fall on love.
It's unprofessional and it only has negatives.

"What happened to the kid?" I asked, ignoring the voices in my head

"We hid her, she lives with skeppy now, and me. When we lived together, but just skeppy" bad smiled finally putting the muffins in the oven.

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