No Funeral

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Tubbo POV:

i finally left, i had to tell george.

i had no idea who could've done this, tommy was a skilled bodyguard. i also don't understand why someone would do it, he was annoying and could get on your nerves sure. but i wouldn't expect anyone to do this.

It wasn't until i made it outside the tower that i realised i had been crying, the hot tears running down my cheek leaving a trail as they slid of my face.

many people gave me weird looks as i walked past them, bawling my eyes out. some even attempted to talk to me, but i shut them all out and continued to head towards George's office.

I stormed in ignoring the fact he was in a meeting and screamed "TOMMY'S BEEN MURDERED"

George stood up firmly "excuse me?"

"i said tommy has been murdered, i found his body in that tower with a bullet hole thorugh his head" i repeated pointing at the tower across from the building.

"Ok. meeting adjourned" George stated forcing everyone out of the room.

George himself walked out of the room grabbing my shoulder, "My office Now" he growled

after finally reaching his office he sat at his desk and picked up his phone, dialling a number

"is this what you want to do?" George asked on the phone, i didn't now who he was talking to

"DON'T PLAY COY WITH ME! are you really being that petty, to kill my men over this"

i could hear shouting from the other side of the phone "alright then. first i'll kill him, then i'm coming for you"

"who was that?" i asked


Ranboo POV:

I took a day to relax, i'd be lying if i said i slept ok.

The image of that agent dead on the floor plagued my mind, i sent a brief of what had happened to dream and was waiting to hear back.

i was having breakfast with bad when i received a phone call.

incoming call: Dream


i took a long a hard gulp before finally answering 

"hello sir" i greeted 

"well done on getting one of your targets, you work quicker than i expected... it's good, but i'm going to need you to work a  little bit harder, they're starting to catch on and i fear they're coming for you, can you do that for me?" dream asked although it was more of a command 

"yes sir... yes sir i can" i responded, dream ushered a quick "good" before ending the call

i let out a long sigh "looks like we're going out bad" 

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