Wrap Me In Health

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Ranboo pov: 

i waited an hour and ignored the issues i had concerning bad, he made for for us and i only ate half.

i put the other half to one side, wrapping it in tin foil.

"have YOU gotten any information out of him yet?" bad asked referring to Tubbo

"no, not yet but i have a method" i lied, taking a sip of coffee "i think i'll try again now actually" i added.

bad nodded his head and placed his signature smile on his face "make sure you don't get hurt" bad said, sounding almost genuinely concerned

i nodded, before i walked into the cell i went to my bedroom, picking up some bandages and the extra food i saved. 

afterwards i made my way to the cell, trying to hide from bad along my journey.

i got to the illuminated glass room and opened the door, seeing tubbo in the same foetal position as he was last night, as i opened the door i could hear soft sobs coming from the boy.

"hey tubbo" i whispered slowly stepping towards him "i brought food... i know you haven't eaten since you got here. don't worry it's not poisoned, and i know it's not much but bad won't make you anything so i gave you half of mine" i said nudging closer to the bed.

tubbo's head lifted up to see me standing with a tray of food in my hand "an i sit down next to you" i aksed.

tubbo nodded and i placed myself in a spot next to him on the bed handing him the tray

he was skeptical at first, lifting up a piece of food on his fork and sniffing it. after he decided it was safe he started chowing down like it had been the first meal he'd ever had.

the food was gone in about a minute, and tubbo let out a high sigh. "thank you" he whispered giving me back the tray.

i glanced at his shirt, seeing it stained red.

"you need that cleaned" i said

tubbo let out a small giggle "the shirt or the wound?" 

i smiled at his little joke

"can i?" i asked, leaning towards his shirt

"so long as you don't make it worse" he smiled 

i slowly took of his shirt, revealing many bruises, some that were there long before bad abused him, but i would ask about that later.

i first got some cloth and alcohol to clean the wound making Tubbo cry out in pain. "sorry" i exclaimed hoping he was ok

"it's fine... it was just- just a bit" he smiled reassuring  me.

i then got the bandages and wrapped them around, i looked as good as i could make it for now, i knew i would have to come back and clean it reguarly.

"there you go" i smiled

"thank you"

he put his shirt back on and i thought back to the additional bruises on his body, however i thought it would be better to ask those questions at a different time

"this is stupid" i said aloud

"what is?" tubbo asked tilting his head and looking at me with a confused expression

"this mission! the agency! dream. it's all stupid" i exclaimed

"i couldn't agree more"

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