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tubbo POV:

i think the bread is out of date, it's rock solid and tastes like dirt.

I think bad is slowly trying to poison me, he isn't going to kill me, or he would have done it by now. 

Suddenly the door swung open and in came the merciless man, ready to give me yet another beating. at this point i stopped resisting, it didn't seem worth it any more, all my strength was dedicated to staying alive.

i couldn't even sleep anymore, my body hurt too much that whenever i turned i'd scream in pain, and bad knew it.

he rushed towards me, throwing punches at my face, i'm sure my nose had been broken in multiple places by now, but i couldn't do anything to help it, after he was finished with his brutal attack he put me up against a wall and walked to the other side of the room, he began throwing knives at me, using me as target practise, none of the knives stabbed into me however two grazed different parts of my face. 

When bad was finally satisfied with he attempts he let out a sadistic laugh and left the room. Leaving me to cry on my own, on the floor once again.

i let out low sobs and suddenly realised i kept repeating the same word "Ranboo"


Ranboo POV:

my head was pounding, my arms were numb and even if they weren't they were strapped to a chair so i couldn't move them. The room was pitch black apart from one bright white light shining directly into my face.

"who are you?" i heard a voice say, i couldn't pinpoint where the voice came from so i glanced around the room, but continued to see nothing

"i'm an American agent, sent by Dream" i answered


suddenly a light turned on and i saw the man behind the voice, George.

"God Damn it clay" i heard him mumble below his breath

"I want to help you" i said leaning towards him but being stopped by the restraints

"how cold you possibly help me, you've killed one of my top agents and i'm assuming you've abducted the other!" George shouted

"the needless killing i agree, i should be punished for that, but i want to help Tubbo. and the only way i can do that is by getting you and Dream back together" i bargained 

"Why would i ever want to get back with that green, mask wearing slob!" George continued to shout

"Because you loved him once right?" i asked 

"yeah once... before i found out he was fucking his right hand man"


"DON'T SAY HIS NAME" George screamed and it actually scared me

"i'm sorry. i really am, it makes sense why they're always next to each other, but that's not right. i think we can help each other" i said, George came closer, so he was right next to my face

"how so?" he sounded...intrigued.

"well for some reason...i get this weird feeling around tubbo, i can't explain it but he makes me feel... light? anyway, he's being tortured right now because of me and i want to help him out. and what happened between you and dream isn't right so i want to get back at him by keeping you alive, because he'll send more agents and i want to keep tubbo alive" i said. 

George just stared at me, a smirk growing on his face "a weird feeling huh? let me guess, feels like butterflies and your face feels hot and your mouth feels dry?" 

i nodded

"that's cute... you've got a deal, who's got him at the moment?" George asked

"an agent called bad, in London"

George stopped "Bad? as in Badboyhalo?" 

once again i nodded "why"

"he's one of the worst agents there is. do you know what he did?"

"no all i know is that he saved this girl and she lives with skeppy" 

"no. that's a lie... He killed skeppy to get to the child, he pretended to care for him for months and then killed him when he finally found the location, then he took the child and gave it to dream, and it wasn't a girl. it was a young boy... His name's Michael"

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