Weird feeling

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Ranboo POV:

"Yes a weird feeling" Tubbo spoke, letting himself roll back into his bed "I've had a weird feeling about you ever since I saw you on CCTV, and then again when we fought, and then again now"

" feel light in your stomach and dry in your throat?" I asked, I could feel my heart rate increasing for whatever reason. It made me panic slightly and I didn't know what to do

"Exactly... only problem is I only felt that way about one other person" Tubbo said sitting up and slowly creeping closer to me

My face heated up, and I couldn't quite get my words out "ha- wh- who why no- wait who yeah who I meant to say who?"


Tubbo continued to lean closer to me, his eyes darting from mine to my lips, I returned the action and stared at his lips similar to before.

They looked so soft, so precious. I couldn't quite control myself, or my action.

My head leaned down to meet Tubbo and then-


The metal door clanged and swung open allowing bad to walk in, Tubbo and I moved away simultaneously, going opposite directions.

"Oh he looks flustered... good job sir did you get any information out of him?" Bad asked

"Huh?... oh- oh yeah yeah I Umm He told me that George always goes for a morning run around 4 am" I stuttered, hoping to sound as convincing as possible

"Wonderful, has he told you where?"

"Umm just next to his house" I stated however it almost sounded like a question

"Wonderful. We shall go tomorrow then, right sir?" Bad asked

"I was thinking we wait a little George feels comfortable and therefore it'll be easier to kill" I said, firmly this time

"Oh no... don't kill- please don't kill my boss! I wouldn't- wouldn't know what to do" Tubbo interjected, trying to sound serious but ended up sounding like a failing acting class

However bad just ignored him "very well sir" bad finished "I'll leave you to the rest of your interrogation, and I'll make you some muffins" he smiled waving goodbye and sending daggers to Tubbo.

"Phew! That was close" Tubbo let out a sigh of relief

"Do you think he bought it?" I asked, my panic rising once again

"Yeah we did great... now where were we?" Tubbo smirked

"I- uh... wha- what do you mean?" I stuttered

"I think we were about to engage in a purely platonic investigation on feelings" Tubbo smiled

Tubbo patted his bed and got me to sit down

"You're quite pretty you know?"

"Thank you Tubbo"

"Tubbo leaned towards me once again, but I backed away quickly

"I should go... so bad doesn't get suspicious" I quickly stepped towards the door and left, not before saying


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