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Ranboo POV:

Today was the day. 

i make a move on my primary target George.

Everything was planned out, i knew his route. where he was going, how long he was there for, and when he would leave.

"bad can you take me to trafalgar square please?" i asked

bad finished his coffee and replied "of course sir, right away" 

we got into the car, and started driving, bad looked at me in the rearview mirror and opened his mouth to speak, he quickly closed it and looked towards the road again 

"what did you want to say?" i smiled getting his attention 

"i just wanted to ask if you wanted some music on? i don't know if you feel nervous or not but i always like listening" he requested

"that sounds wonderful bad" i returned

bad's lips arched upwards as his hand went to the radio, playing whatever song came on. it wasn't long before bad started singing along with the music

"I'M BREAKING FREE" he practically screamed causing me to laugh

"you certainly have a voice on you" i laughed 

"why thank you sir" he smiled.

after a few more songs that bad gladly sang along too we finally made it to our destination.

i firstly looked around all the vantage points in the area, i knew George was currently having his breakfast in a local cafe so he wouldn't be long. 

after climbing a small section of scaffolding behind a building i set up my weapons once again and waited.

i glanced around the area repeatedly for George, not seeing him however eventually a car pulled up, then my target exited a building but unlike my intel he wasn't alone.

Instead of being on his own he was with who i assumed to be Agent Tubbo, he wasn't like his briefing described. although i knew what George looked like, Agent tubbo and child were anonymous. 

Tubbo's hair was pitch black and draped just over his eyes whilst his skin was a beautiful contrasting white. using my scope i could see his eyes which were a deep pool of multiple colours all in one. 

i quickly realised i was becoming distracted, and they were approaching the car. just before they entered the car i took a shot aiming at both of my targets, hoping to kill two birds with one stone... or two agents with one bullet

the bullet shot through the air and skimmed past the head and body of Tubbo and George, hitting a wall behind them. 

Thankfully they didn't seem to notice since the silencer was on. Unfortunately they got in the car a drove of. 

i screamed a loud "SHIT" as i rushed back down the scaffolding and entered into bads car 

"how did it go" he asked

"i fucked up"


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