Cleaning Scars

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Ranboo POV:

i quickly rushed back to the cell skipping past bad who was in his room.

tubbo was sat on his bed, with a smile on his face. he looked...cute.

i received those feelings of butterflies in my stomach once again "let's get you cleaned up shall we?" i said and he nodded his head

i used a wipe to clean his face, dabbing at some of the fresher wounds, tubbo made grunts of pain every once in a while 

"sorry" i would exclaim

"it's alright silly, you're helping" tubbo laughed putting his hand on my making me dab at his cuts again.

"i need you to take your shirt off, i need to change the dressing" i spoke softly.

Tubbo hummed in acceptance and proceeded to take his shirt off. 

his wound had been opened up again, but it was still alright. it wasn't infected.

"how's it looking doc?" tubbo joked

i wasn't thinking and returned with "the wound or the view?" my face instantly went red and i backed away "i'm so sorry"

but tubbo just laughed. "it's fine" 

after cleaning the wound i saw the old bruises, the ones that looked like they had been there for months if not years

"can i ask how you got them?" i asked tracing my hand along his bruise, being careful not to hurt him.

" sure" 

"how did you get them?" 

"actually it- it was tommy, he- well it wasn't his fault" tubbo defended

my blood began to boil, and my guilt for killing him was becoming lessened

"how!?! there's multiple wounds that have been there longer than others" i yelled causing Tubbo to jump back ever so slightly

"i'm sorry, i- i didn't mean to shout" i apologised

"it's alright... truth be told tommy- tommy had... issues, he would drink whenever he failed a task, and he'd come home and be angry. he'd take his anger out on- on me... but he loved me, he would tell me all the time!" tubbo tried to defend once again 

"tubbo that's not love, that's abuse" i corrected

"how would you know?" tubbo said, raising his voice slightly

"i don't, i don't know love but i know abuse all to well" i spoke brushing my fingers along his body. Tubbo looked at me, concerned. "it was my father, he didn't like how 'soft' i acted, he didn't like the fact i had thoughts and feelings about things" i said, knowing tubbo would ask.

"i'm sorry" he apologised

"no, don't be you haven't really done anything... besides i'm sorry for what i said but if i'm honest i don't think tommy was good for you" i returned

tubbo let out a sigh of defeat "i know, i guess i just pretended like i was fine, but what would you suggest? love is love, if i feel a weird feeling in my stomach because some stranger cleans my wounds and tried to kill me then i have to go with that feeling" 

"a weird feeling huh?"

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