The Panic Room

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Ranboo POV:

Bad placed some rope around Tubbo's arms, as he tightened it tubbo winced in pain, then he directed us through a side door of the mansion, to a room he hadn't showed me in the prior tour.

"what is this place?" i asked looking around.

it was a mainly glass area with a tunnel leading to a metal locked door. within the room outside the glass, there was a chair a bed and a toilet. 

as we finally opened the metal door, which had three locks and a unique combination we walked inside, bad then strapped tubbo to the chair

"it's a panic room originally, but when the agency bought this place they turned it into a torture chamber and prison cell, with a two way mirror and completely sound proof walls" bad finally answered finishing the rope on tubbo.

bad then headed towards the door and was about to leave, before he did so he turned to me "i'll let you interrogate him first, when you want to leave use this beeper, ad it'l alert me and i'll come get you out ok?" 

"oh- alright" i smiled.

he left. locking the door behind him.

i slowly turned back to tubbo, kneeling down so i was eye level with him

"fuck off" tubbo spat 

"i- i really am sorry about all of this... truth be told it's my first major mission, i wish it could've gone smoother, and i wish i didn't have to kill your boyfriend" i sighed, looking towards the floor

"what kind of torture technique is this. it's pathetic" tubbo said

"i'm not going to torture you...i- i just don't want to" i admitted

"what? why? what kind of shit agent are you" tubbo asked, seeming genuinely confused

"one that doesn't really want to be here i guess... i don't want to kill anymore, but i know i have to kill at least George, if i did that in the first place i wouldn't have touched you and tommy, but he- he found me when i had the perfect shot" 

"well, tommy always was looking for a fight" tubbo slightly chuckled, his voice sounding normal... not like he was an agent, like he was a person

and that sweet voice, and the little giggle. it made me feel light, as if there were butterflies in my stomach, i didn't know what this feeling was, but it wouldn't go away, the more i looked at tubbo the stronger it felt.

"what's wrong?" tubbo asked

i snapped back, and shook my head, "oh- uhh nothing i- i should go" i stuttered, finally stamding up and heading to the door, pressing the beeper 

"WAIT!" i heard tubbo shout

i turned to look at him before bad opened the door

"will you come back?" he asked, with such an...angelic voice.

i smiled and nodded, earning a small smile from the prisoner himself, and those feelings came back once again.

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