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Ranboo POV:

George and I had a plan.

it was a rough plan, put at least it was something

i called bad, telling him that I couldn't find George here, and that i needed to get a train back. Bad seemed overly cheery, telling me that he'd make muffins for my return. 

He bought me the train ticket, first class once again, and i was on the next train back to London.

There was a bit of a wait but whilst i was sitting at the station a man came over and sat next to me.

"so you're the guy who i've gotta help" he said

"who- who are you again?" i asked, feeling surprisingly nervous 

"My name is Wilbur, Codename Agent Soft boy"

i nodded my head and got on the train. throughout the entire train journey i tried to relax as best i could but it didn't work, i was too busy thinking about Tubbo, was he ok? has bad done anything to him?

after some time Wilbur reached for one of his bags, and he pulled out a guitar. 

he started strumming and sang a song, however by the end of it i fell asleep, finally being able to relax.

when i awoke, i had arrived in London, wilbur had gone however there was a piece of paper on my chest

you look like you needed the rest,

remember to bring bad to the location and the arranged time

George has assured me that you're leaving spy work after this which is a shame. you look like you could go far

see you around, 

sincerely Soft boy

a small smile crept onto my face, that was nice.

I made my way outside the train station and saw bad sitting in his car, i entered and sat down in the back seat, the caring smile on his face made me feel sick to my stomach but i had to play nice.

"Welcome back sir" he said as he began to drive

"thank you bad, how was your time at the manor alone?" i asked forcing a conversation 

"oh it was lovely... but i wasn't really alone, since Agent Tubbo is with us, so could you not find George?" he asked changing the question

"no, no i couldn't find him. but i did find his personal address here in London, i think i'll ask Tubbo about it" i answered

"wonderful idea sir"

it wasn't long before we got back to the manor, but when we did i quickly sneaked of towards the cell.

i entered the room and heard Tubbo crying, almost wailing.

i stepped towards him and sat on his bed, he was facing the opposite direction and curled up with his knees to his chest.

i placed my hand on his head and started stroking his hair softly hoping to calm him down "hey, hey it's ok, i'm back now"

Tubbo's head shot up and he turned his head to look at me, his face was badly bruised, more so than when i was here before, but i could see the almost joy in his eyes

he lunged over to me and wrapped his arms around me "Thank god! i missed you so much! he's been horrible" Tubbo screamed 

i hugged him back gently and whispered "give me i minute i need to get you cleaned up" 

Tubbo nodded into my shoulder and i left the cell to pick up some cleaning and medical supplies, making sure to avoid contact with bad.

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