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A/n pov
In the forest about 30 miles away from the gates to the village hidden in the leaves a H/c girl and a white hair man were walking along the path.

Y/n's pov
"I can't believe it's already been a year and a half" I said

"Believe it kid it goes by fast when you have fun" Pervy Sage told me

"I wouldn't call spying on women fun" I mumbled

Jiraiya laughed

"What it was research for my new book" he said some what defensive

"Yah because spying on basically naked girls is for research" I told him

"Eh" He shrugged

I rolled my eyes at him, we fell in a peaceful Silence.

I can't believe how fast it went by, I was excited to finally be home. But I changed so much over the year and a half.

My once small chest is now about medium size, since I haven't cut my hair it became longer it's now to my waist almost to my butt.

Jiraiya kept telling me to cut it but I said no, I mean I have a reason. After a girl turns 16 in my clan she can't cut her hair until her 17th brithday. When we let our hair grow for that year it represents that we've become of age and now we can marry.

I don't really have to follow that tradition since I am from the main house hold but I actually like it long, I mean it does get in the way sometimes but I think it looks good. I may cut it sometime in the future but for now I'm going to keep it long.

"How much longer until we get to the village" I groaned

"About 5 minutes" he said

An idea popped into my head

'I can just use a transportation jutsu' I thought

"Will for you it may take 5 minutes" I told him

"What idea have you got now" he questioned

I smirked

I did a hand signs and disappeared into fire. I learned while I was training will more like inform by Luna that I could use fire to transport myself. She did explain how it works and why I can do it but to be fair I zoned out.

I appeared infront of the gate, I walked through and saw Izumo and Kotetsu asleep.

"Seriously how did they ever get promoted to gate guards if all they do is sleep" I muttered

All well more fun for me

I made a blood clone and had her stab herself, I then jumped up into the tree to watch it play out.

"Help" my clone yelled

It woke Izumo and Kotetsu up when they looked to see who yelled for help there eyes basically came out of the heads from shock, they ran to my clone.

"What happened" Kotetsu said voice filled with concern

"We were ambushed" she said

My clone then fall to the ground and pretended to faint. I put a hand over my mouth to stop my laugh but it didn't help. I start laughing quietly from the look of pure shock on there faces. I then started laugh harder and ended up falling out of the tree and landing on the ground. That didn't stop me from laughing though, soon I was rolling on the ground. I stopped laughing once my stomach started to hurt so bad, I looked up and saw them looking at me.

"Haha real fun" Izumo said sarcastically

"I know it was hilarious" I told them as I got up

My clone then got up and I released the jutsu and she disappeared.

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