Chapter 42

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I was still trying to process what happened, where my feelings coming back for Sasuke or was it just old feeling resurfacing.

I groaned giving up, I fell backwards onto the bed and just looked the at ceiling waiting for the doctor to come back and tell me if I could leave or not. I put my arm over my eyes and took a deep breath, soon I heard my door opened. I removed my arm from my eyes and looked at the person who had walked in and saw it was the doctor, I sat up and looked at him.

"Well your able to go home" He told me

I couldn't help but smile with the thought of leaving the hospital and the room I have been trapped in for at least three months, probably not that long but it felt like it was.

"When can I leave?" I asked ready to leave already

"You can leave whenever you want to but before you do make sure you sign these papers"


He handed me the paper and a pen, I signed them as fast as I could not wanting to spend another second here.

"Aright Miss L/n you can leave" He told me

"Thank you" I told him

He nodded and walked out, I got up from my bed and packed the stuff that I had which where mostly gifts from my friends and people from the clan, I changed into my ninja outfit that Kai had dropped off a few days ago when he heard I may be able to leave soon.

Once I was done I grabbed the bag and walked out the door with many things on my mind.

Will they be happy to see me? Did Sasuke tell them? If he did would they be upset with me? Will they even want to see me?

I stopped myself from overthinking to much, it won't do me any good. I over thought before and look what happened I choose death, I choose the easy way out but now I'm glad I changed my mind and choose to fight.

I walked out of the doors to be met with the warm breeze, a soft smile found it's way onto my face. I was happy to actually feel the wind and be able to walk around instead of just seeing it from my window.

As I was walking I looked left to right looking at all the shops and the children playing among themselves. Since I wasn't watching where I was going I bumped into someone.

"Sorry I wasn't watching where I was going" I spoke


I looked up and saw Temari

"Temari what are you doing here?" I asked

"Gaara's meeting with Tsunade" She told me

"What fo-" I was cut off by her hugging me

"Im so glad your okay" She told me

I hugged her back, soon she backed up and looked at me

"My you have changed from the last time I saw you" She told me

I chuckled a little

"But I swear if you ever pull something like that again I well personally kill you" She threatened

I sweatdropped at what she said

"I see your still the same Temari" I told her

"Yup and I'm not changing anytime soon so get used to it" She told me

I nodded a little

"Now why does Garra need to talk to Tsunade?" I asked

"Nothing much really" she told me

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