Chapter 39

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I was awoken by the door slamming open, I shot up from my sleep my heart pounding and my eyes wide.

I looked all over the room looking for what the threat could be but soon my eyes landed on the only figure in the room.

"Your lucky I'm still on bed rest or I would be over there slapping you silly" I yell a tick mark on my forehead

"Oops sorry didn't know you where asleep" the knucklehead said

"Yah and you almost gave me a heart attack" I told him

"Sorry Y/n"

"What is it?" I asked

"He's back Y/n he's finally back" he yelled at the top of his lungs

I grabbed my pillow and chucked it at his head, he dodged it.

"Would you stop yelling your lungs out or I'm gonna go def" I told him

"I'm sorry but he's back Y/n" he said again

I looked at him with a confused look

"Naruto who's back" I questioned rubbing my eyes

"Sasuke he's finally back" he shouted again

"Yah what did I say" I shouted

"Sorry but come on get up" he told me

"Idiot I'm still on bed rest and oh by the way I still can't walk" I told him

He deadpanned before he ran over to my bed and helped me sit up before he turned around and I pushed myself to the edge of the bed, he grabbed my legs and put me on his back and ran out of the door.

"Slow down Naruto" I said

"Your not gonna fall off" he told me

"I swear if you drop me your dead" I told him

He laughed as he ran

We soon came to the gate and standing there was Sasuke, he was taller then I remember but he still had the same stupid hair that looked like a duck butt but it was longer.

Naruto came to a sudden stop causing me almost fall off.

"Naruto what did I tell you" I shouted causing him to scream

"Y/n" Kai said

I looked at him and his glare, I gave him an innocent smile.

"Your supposed to be on bed rest" he told me walking over

"Not my fault this knucklehead slammed my door open and kept screaming saying Sasuke was back" I told him

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose

"Naruto put her down" he said

He put my down my bare feet meeting the dirt path, my legs where a little shaky before they got used to my body weight.

"Y/n be careful" Sakura warned

"Relax Sakura I may not be able to walk yet but I'm able to stand on my own" I told her

She sighed

All the other's looked at me with worried looks

"I'm fine seriously guys" I told them

I saw Ino narrow her eyes before she nodded

"Now mr uchiha get your butt over here" I demanded

Everyone looked at me some of them had sweat dripping from there foreheads since I've used the same tone of voice with them, as they like to call it my scary mom voice one that can make a child do anything.

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