Chapter 37

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I've finally come to my final decision and it's......

To live, even with all the hardships that may come my way, I can't give up and break the promises I made. So I choose to live to fight everyday until my time really comes when I have no strength left to stand then and only then will I finally give in.

I tried to breath but it was like a bunch of weights where on my chest, I keep trying ignoring the pain that was going through my body. Soon I took a breath even if it was a small and shallow one I still took a breath.

One after the other I kept breathing even if it was hard at first it finally stop hurting and I was able to take deep breaths, I soon started coughing feeling the much need oxygen reach my lungs. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't I kept trying until I was able to open them a little.

I didn't stop there I kept trying to open them all the way and soon I could but I closed them right away being blinded my the bright lights.

Once I got used to the lights I slowly sat up feeling just how weak my body had gotten, I kept coughing and taking deep breaths trying to even out my breathing.

3rd pov

They heard a small whimper and there heads all snapped up and looked at the pale and weak girl struggling to breath.

Once her breath steady they all relaxed but when they saw her struggling to open her eyes and sit up on her own it broke them, they decided that it would be best for her to do so in her own and soon enough she was able to open her eyes and sit up but it caused her breathing to become fast and labored. Soon she stopped coughing and she caught her breath and took a few deep breaths.

"Y/n" Snow called her

"Hey Snow" she said groggily

Kai quickly poured a glass of cold water and made his way to her side and held it to her lips and helped her drink it.

"Thanks Kai" she told him

She took a deep breath and looked at all of her friends faces a small smile gracing her lips seeing that they where real and not just some imagination that her mind was making up.

"How long was I asleep"

"Five months" Sakura answered slowly not knowing how she'll reacted

"Five months?!?" She said

"Yes but don't worry both me and Kai took care of the clan while you where out" Snow started

"That's great" Y/n told her

"But" Kai spoke

The h/c haired female looked up at his blue eyes

"But what?" She asked confused

"Well Tsunade asked if we wanted to move the clan to the leaf and after some thought me and Snow agreed" Kai told her

They all looked at her waiting for her response, the room stay silent.

"What about the compound" she asked carefully

"We where able to move the buildings to where Tsunade had the clans new compound built" Snow told her

"And before you asked the clans compound is near the Uchiha's" Kai told her

Y/n let a breath of relief that she didn't know she was holding, hearing that they did that made her relax a little knowing all her hard work didn't go to waste.

"Alright if that what you two thought was best" Y/n told them

Kai and Snow nodded

"So how have you guys been" She asked

"We've been good Y/n" Ino told her

Y/n smiled and nodded

"Don't worry about catching up right now Y/n we'll be able to do that later but right now we need to focus on your long road to recovery" Sakura told her

She took a deep breath knowing that her road to recovery would be a long and painful one.

But what she didn't know was that everyone in the room was hoping that she would be able to be fully recovered before the attack or before he was able to create a new ten tails. Although they also have worry's, that he won't create a new one but take the ten tails from her.

"Alright what do we do first" Y/n asked

"We need to build your strength first which mean's you'll have to eat three meals a day maybe four it all depends but for now you are to stay bed ridden" Sakura told her

She nodded

Tsunade walked back into the room which surprised a lot of them because they didn't see her leave.

"Everyone I would like to talk to Y/n alone plus you all have thing's you need to do now" she told them

They all nodded and walked out all knowing what she need to tell her, they wanted to be there for her but they knew it was better that Tsunade told her with just them in the room. They also knew that either Snow or Kai would stay behind and comfort her.

"Snow I'll stay behind you go and get started on those papers" Kai said

Snow hesitated for a minute before she agreed, after she left Kai made his way back up to the fourth floor.

Y/n's pov

"Y/n" Tsunade said

I looked at her wondering what see needed to tell me.

Then flashbacks of what she told me last time came back, I looked at her.

"Please don't tell me" I whispered

"Y/n while you where still at the compound Asuma was killed by an akatsuki member" she said calmly

Tears blurred my vision

"And Jiraiya was killed on a mission and his body was never recovered" she told her

Tears fell as a whimper left my mouth

"No your lying" I said

"I'm sorry Y/n" Tsunade said

"Get out please just get out"I told her as a sob left my mouth

Tsunade sighed but got up and walked out, after a minute the door opened.

"Y/n" I heard Kai say

"Kai she's lying right there not died" I cried

"I'm sorry Y/n but it's true" he told me

Kai sat down next to me, I buried my head into his chest and cried a sob leaving my mouth every now and then.


Yah finally Y/n's up from the coma

Well what do you thinks gonna happen now

Until the next update ~

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