Chapter 9 [pt.2]

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They each walked back over and sat down dread filling them and an uneasy feeling took over.

"Please tell us the truth" Naruto asked

"Y/n's surgery went great but because of the amount of blood she lost she's in a coma and we don't know when she'll wake up" He said

"How long do you think" Sakura asked

"I don't know it could be any were from a few days, mouths possible even years or she may never wake up at all" he told them

The tears that Sakura was fighting back ran down her face, Naruto lowered his head biting his lip to kept himself from look weak, both Kakashi and Yamato were upset but they knew they couldn't show it infront of Sakura and Naruto, Sai on the other hand since he didn't know how to show this emotion he just sat there with his blank look.

"Can we see her" Sakura asked

"Of course" the doctor said

He got up and lead them to her room, when they walked in they saw her laying on the bed still, her chest going up and down, she had a peaceful look on her face.

They stay for a while before they all left but Naruto, when he made sure they were gone he grabbed Y/n's hand.

"Please Y/n you can wake up I know you can, don't try anything like giving up because I don't wanna lose you to" Naruto told her

After that he got up and went back to his house

Y/n's pov

"When will I wake up" I groaned

"I don't know but guessing by how much blood you lost your most likely in a coma" Luna told me

"Great so that means I'm stuck with you" I said

"Why you little brat what's that supposed to mean" she asked

"Nothing" I told her

She growled barring her sharp teeth at me

"Okay Jeez clam down I was just joking plus you can't hurt me" I told her

"Really and whys that" she questioned

"Because with out me you have no one" I told her

She grumbled under her breath

"What was that" I questioned

"What I said nothing" she told her

I rolled my eyes at her

"Hey don't roll you eyes at me" Luna told me

"What are you my mom" I asked

"Yes I am your mom" she told me

I giggle a little at that, I got up and laid on Luna's back and closing my eyes to get some sleep.

Third pov

When Maiko was informed on what happened to Y/n he returned to the village right away, as the days passed he sat by her side holding her hand hoping she would wake up.

As the days slowly turned into mouths and there was still no change, the doctors still had no clue when she would wake up or if she would ever.

Maiko has gotten a mission but he didn't want to leave her side just in case she woke up, but he had to go since he was an ANBU, but before he left he went to see Y/n again.

He left a letter and a picture of them when they were younger with both there families and one of them now, he kissed her forehead then her lips. He walked out of the room after he had put his ANBU mask on.

"Shadow nice of you to join us" Blue said

"Yah it was nice of me" Maiko told him

"Alright we all know the risks this mission has some of us may not come back home alive but let's hope that doesn't happen and complete this mission" the leader said

With that they left the village to start there two week long mission.

Y/n's pov

I was panting heavily

"On more time" I screamed

Right now me and Luna were training and she was sending an attack for me to dodge and it's not going to good, she did the attack again I jumped up to dodge but she hit me down with one of her tails, I fell to the ground and rolled.

"I give up" I said

"About time what it only took fifty wipe outs" she teased

"Shut up also you didn't have to be that harsh with the attacks" I groaned

"If I wasn't then how are you supposed to learn" she questioned

"You could of at least went over it" I said

And so it kept going back and forth again

Third pov

Hinata sat by her best friends bed holding her hand.

"Come on Y/n I know you can pull through this and wake up" Hinata told her

She didn't want to lose her best friend she needed her. Hinata let Y/n's hand go, she grab something out of her pocket, she held it up, it was a photo of the two of them, it was when they were little in fact it was the first day they met, Y/n's parents were in it and both girls had huge smiles on there faces, it was the time that Y/n had no clue what life would throw at her.

"Please wake up soon" Hinata said as she looked at the picture and grab Y/n's hand again

Y/n's pov

"Huh" I said confused

"Oh come on Y/n it's simple math" Luna said

She was having me do a math problem

"Okay and do I look like I ever passed math before because news flash I didn't" I told her making an x with my fingers

"So your saying you have no brain cells" she questioned

"Hey I have brain cells just not when it comes to math" I told her

"I'm seriously questioning how you ever became a ninja right now" Luna told me

"I do that ever day seriously if I it came down to me doing a math problem or me being killed I would be died with in minutes" I said

"You just said you were stupid" Luna chuckled

"I did not I'm smart in other things just not when it comes to math" I defended

"Oh really like what" Luna questioned

"Let's see fighting, coming up with strategies and a lot more" I told her

"Oh really then how did you get stab huh"she asked

"It's because I didn't see the kunai" I told her

"Sure you keep telling yourself that" she told me

I glared at her as she laughed

Third pov

It was the day they returned from there mission and it was successful but there was only one problem.......

There was one person missing when they walked through the village gates......


Another cliff hanger

Anyway just wanted to say I hope your enjoying this book so far, also please check out my other book the crazy three, you don't have to but it would mean a lot to me if you did.

Till the next update ~

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