Chapter 32

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It's been weeks now and Y/n still hasn't woken up, after the first couple weeks her friends had to go back to mission since they've been putting it off for to long. Soon it became less common for them to visit and soon turned into them visiting once a week, Kai and Snow on the other hand didn't leave her side. Even when they moved her to the leaf they never left her side, they slept in the same tent and took turns staying up to make sure she was safe.

They wouldn't say it but when her friends slowly stop coming it hurt them since they knew how much they meant to her, even though they tried to understand it they couldn't. Maybe it was because they where in denial or maybe because they where to broken to understand.

The doctors still have no clue when she'll wake up and it pains everyone, with the war still taking a toll on everyone and the threat of an akatsuki memeber trying to from another ten tails with all the other tailed beast everyone was on edge even if Madara died. It won't get rid if the casualties he's caused and the pain, Ino and Shikamaru had lost there fathers along with so many others and they had even lost there sensei while Y/n was away at the compound.

The door to her room open and Kai and Snow looked up seeing it was just a doctor.

"How is she?" Kai asked

"She's still stable but there still no signs of her waking up, I know this is hard to hear but you may want to think about taking her off the machines" the doctor said

"What no that's out of the question" Kai shouted

The doctor bowed a little before he left, Kai took deep breaths in trying to came down while Snow sat silent thinking.

"Kai" she called out her voice shaking

"What" he asked

"We need to think about it" she said

"No where not doing it" he said trying not to yell

Snow stood up tear brining her eyes

"She wouldn't want this, she wouldn't want us to be suffering like this, she would want us to move on" Snow shouted

"So you think killing her will help" he yelled back

"No Kai I don't it but it's a step plus she's be able to rest in peace if we did who knows Kai she probably doesn't even want this she probably wanted to died" Snow yelled her voice breaking a single tear running down her face

"How would you now that huh" Kai yelled

He know that she was probably right but he didn't want to emitted, he didn't want to emit that all there efforts may of been for nothing.

"I don't Kai but we need to think of that possible if it ever comes to that because she may never wake up at all" Snow shouted

"So your giving up on her" he shouted back

"No I'm not it pains me to say it but the doctors right we need to think of taking her off the machines no matter how much it hurts at least she'll be able to rest and if she wakes then good but if she doesn't then we'll have to say goodbye" she told him

Kai stood there, the tears he was fighting start to fall. He brought his hands up and ran it through it, he gritted his teeth and taking deep breaths.

"Your right" he spoke his voice breaking

"How long do you wanna wait" Snow asked

"Five more months and if she doesn't wake up by then we do it" he said

Snow nodded

She walked over and grab the h/c hair girls hand, her hand wasn't warm but it wasn't cold it was in the middle, like she was in the middle between life and death but was still fight at least a little. Trying to hold on and fighting to wake up but by the day her hand gets just a little colder like she's losing the fight.

Y/n's pov

I ran down the streets looking for my red head friend, I soon came across her at the fruit stand.

"Emma" I yelled

She turned around and looked at me a smile forming on her face.

"Y/n!" She shouted back

She ran over to me and crushed me into a hug

"Are you free?" I asked


I smiled

"Perfect then let's go to the park and watch the clouds" I said

She nodded

We walked toward the park and once we got there we landed down and looked up watching them pass by.

- Time Skip -

"Emma promise me you'll always be there for me no matter what" I said looking at her

"I promise no matter what I will always be there for you" she told me

We both laughed as we hugged

We walked around and bought matching necklaces.

- Time Skip -

Tw: Suicide
[ you can skip it since it's just a flashback but if you wanna read it go head]

I ran down the street looking frantically for my friend, I squeezed my hand around the letter in my hand.

I ran to the park, she wasn't there. I ran to where the water fall was and saw her at the edge along with a few other people.

"Emma!" I shouted

She glanced over her shoulder and smiled weakly at me

"Y/n" she whispered

I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her waist

"Don't do it please I need you and you promised me you would always be there for me" I cried

"I'm sorry I can't keep that promise but I'll always watch over you that I promise" she told me patting my head

I held her tighter

"No I'll help you get through it I promise I can" I told her

"I'm sorry but you can't"

She hugged me back before she forcefully ripped my arms and pushed me back making me fall, I fell on my back. I quickly got up and ran and tried to grab her arm but I was to late she had jumped.

"I love you" she mouthed before her back hit the water

I fell to my knees crying and screaming

[ end of flashback ]

3rd pov

As Kai and Snow sat in the silent room they heard a quite sob, they look up and saw tears running down the side of Y/n's face. Kai grabbed a tissue and wiped them, they knew that she was probably dreaming of something unpleasant. They wished they could help you and take that pain away from seeing old memories that you wished you never saw again but yet they couldn't.

They felt so useless just sitting here and doing nothing to help and try to wake you up, but at the same time they knew that her body needed time to recover fully and that there was nothing to do to speed it up.


I am not supporting suicide, if you are thinking about it please tell someone. It may be hard but they can get you the help you need. Suicide also doesn't solve anything since it will only bring more pain to your love ones so please reach out to someone for help if your thinking about it.

I can tell you that from experience since my best friend did try to take her own life but luckily she didn't go through with it because I kept calling her until she answered and talked it through with her and I didn't hang up the phone until I knew she wouldn't and I knew that either someone was on the phone with her or someone was in the room with her.

So please if you ever think about suicide or hurting yourself please tell someone like your parents or another adult in your family so they can get you the help you need.

Till the next update ~

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