Chapter 35

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Snow and Kai where able to move the clan to the leaf within a few days, and it's was going great.

But dread was all they felt as the day that they feared was coming closer and closer and they knew they would have to come up with a decision either keep her on the machine or take her off and hope that she wakes up but if she doesn't then her body with fail.

They wished they could do something to speed up the process but they couldn't, they've had to sit there for four long months doing nothing but watching and feeling her hand getting colder and colder as the days went by. Now when ever Snow holds her hand there's barely any warmth left, she hoping that she's still fighting but as the days go by she losing that hope.

Her friends still have no clue about the decision they made but they've come to realize that when ever they visit her there scared, scared that she won't wake up or die while there in the room, and they don't wanna see it although they've finally started to visit more since Tsunade either put there missions on hold or gave them to another team. They didn't know why but as that day grows closer Tsunade wanted all her friends to be free that way if Snow and Kai do decide the difficult decision then they'll be there to either be over joy or have there hopes crushed.

Tsunade looked down at the paper, she kept looking over the report hoping that there was something she was missing, weather it be a small or a big one but she knew she wasn't it had been the same report for the last four months. Her heart rate staying either at a fifty or sixty, not a lot of brain function despite there being spikes at times which indicated that she was having a dream or seeing old memories that she wished not to see.

Tsunade closed her eyes and took a deep breath in and stood up, she put the papers in the folder and left her office. She made her way to the hospital, once she got there she walked in and up to the fourth floor and down the long hallways until she got to the room, she knocked and then walk in. Once she did she looked at the pale girl, she had gotten skinnier during the four months, her once s/c skin is now pale due to the lack of sunlight, her long hair had been cut to keep out of the way it was now h/l, Tsunade knew that she didn't want to cut her hair but she had no choice but to do so, it helped keep it out of the way and it was easier.

She walked to the bedside and grabbed the girls hand, when she felt it she was shocked at how cold her hand had gotten, just a few weeks ago it was warm but now it's feels like ice.

Tsunade sat down and moved a strand of her hair behind her ear, she wished she could wake her up and not see her in such a weak and vulnerable state but she knew she couldn't much like the rest of her friends.

She wanted her to wake up and be okay but she knew even when or if she woke up it would be a long road to recover, the first step would be building her strength up to where she'll be able to walk. Then psychic therapy so she will be able to walk with out help and get more strength in her legs, then she'll have to do work out in order to get her upper body and core strength back. The only thing she didn't know was how the technique she used effected her charka, she didn't know if it drained all of it in order to use it or if her charka has replenished itself over the months it's taken for her to recover. She didn't know if she would be able to continue being a kunoichi, she didn't know and she really didn't want to know because having to give the girl that hard news telling her that her path on being a kunoichi was over that she could no longer go on missions and help keep the people she loved safe, but that she would have to sit by and wait for them to return from missions hoping they would.

Tsunade knew how broken she was after Maiko died and how the missions help to take her mind off it. Now when she wakes up she'll have to deliver the same hard news that not only one but two people that she cared about have died in the line duty, that they both died on missions. It would be hard for her but the fact that she'll be bed ridden for at least a month after she wakes up so she can get her strength back will only make it harder, but she knew that if she woke up and she had to tell her the girl would want to go and leave the hospital and go to the grave because she wouldn't believe it and once she saw one of there graves then her world would be crushed.

"Y/n please wake up your friends need you" Tsunade whispered

Y/n pov

It's so dark and cold, I tried to call out but I couldn't make a sound. It was like my mouth was glued shut, I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't they where to heavy.

After trying a few more times I gave up, I was so cold. I just wanted to cuddle up against someone and warm up, I didn't care who, I was just so cold but I wasn't shivering.

I wanted Kai to hold me and tell me that I was okay that no one left me.

Was I dead?

I don't know anymore, I should be but now I'm in nothing but darkness. Is this what I feels like to be dead? Am I dead and this is where you go? Your alone and not with people you love or care about or being some where warm. Your just numb and cold, I wanted Kai or Snow or anyone.

I didn't care who it was weather it be Neji or Kakashi I just wanted someone to hug me and keep me warm and not leave me.

It's hard to breath, it's so hard it hurts to breath, it feels like someone sitting on top of my chest to the point I can't breath in or out with out pain.

Do I get a choice if I wanna die or live?

If I do then what should I choose? Do I continue to fight? Or do I just give up and die?

If I die then wouldn't I be at peace and get to see the ones I cared for who already died again? I wouldn't have to worry about anything it would be peaceful, it would be clam no worry's.

But if I choose to keep fighting then I would get to see my friends again, I would get to continue to make memories with them. Maybe I'll be able to get married and have kids, I would be able to be there for my friends. But then again what if they don't care for me, what if they hope I'm died.

But if I choose to die then I would be able to watch over them in peace and watch them accomplish everything they wanted, and them not having to worry about me and knowing I was at peace, they wouldn't have to worry about me being a nuisance to them, I wouldn't annoy them.

If I get to choose life or death then I choose..............

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