Chapter 19

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I sat on a tree branch looking up at the blue sky the gentle breeze blowing my hair, I closed my eyes for a minute enjoying the peace and quiet.

"Hey Y/n" Kai yelled

I opened my eyes and groaned

"Way do you always do that" I yelled down

"Always do what" he asked as he walked over and leaned against the tree

"Always disturb my peace and quite" I complained

"Quit your whining" he told me

I rolled my eyes jumped down

"What did you want?" I asked looking at him

"Nothing I was just bored" he told me with a laugh

I sighed and walked away and back into the cave, I got a glass of water. I took a sip deep in thought.

I wonder if Kai would be up to going back to the clans compound and rebuild some of the buildings.

"Y/n" Kai yelled

"What?" I asked confused

"What are you thinking about" he asked

I put the cup down and looked at him, I took a deep breath.

"Do you wanna come back to the compound with me?" I asked

He looked at me then looked at the wall

"No, I'm sorry but I'm not going back there yet" he told me

"Alright then I'll be on my way" I told him

He grabbed my hand

"You don't have to go"

"I have things to do plus I was planning on leaving today anyways" I told him

He let go of my arm so I started walking again but was stopped just before I could leave the cave.

"I'll pay you another visit soon" he said with a smirk

"If it's anything like those last two then I swear I will actually kill you" I told him leaving the cave

I walked through the forest for a little, I felt two strong charka signatures so me being who me I started running towards them, when I got there I saw Sasuke with a group of people, I tried to see who he was fighting but I couldn't see anything, I jumped into a tree that was closer to him and saw Itachi.

With out thinking I jumped down from the tree making my presence known to them, I jumped in front of Sasuke's attack. I grabbed and kunai and stopped his katana, he pushed down hard anger and resentment in his eyes, I used all my strength and pushed back, he grunted but finally he jumped back.

"That's enough Sasuke" I told him

"Move" he demanded


I saw the three people from earlier next to him.

"Deal with her I don't want her stopping me from killing my brother" he told them

They all smirked and started walking forward

"On it" they said

I let them charge at me, I glanced back and saw Itachi was gonna step in but I shook my head, I let them attack me for a little until I got bored.

I did hand signs and mumbled the justus under my breath, blue fire wrapped around there arms and feet, the fire then surrounded there body keeping them from moving.

"What is this" the orange haired one yelled

"It's my charka and there's no way you can get out it's unbreakable" I told them

I turned to Sasuke again and started walking towards him

"Y/n leave" he demanded

"No Sasuke I'm not gonna let you kill your brother"

"He killed my clan he deserves to die" he yelled

"That's where your wrong Sasuke, he didn't have a choice but to kill your clan. He had two choices either let your clan go on with there plan and die while doing it or kill your entire clan and leave you alive, it was his mission" I told him

"That's a lie and you know it Y/n" Sasuke told me

He charge at me and punched me in the gut, he went to punch me again so I grabbed his hand and twisted it, I flipped him over my shoulder and slammed him into the ground, the ground cracked under the pressure.

"Listen to me Sasuke and stop letting your emotions get in the way, Itchai had no other choice. He didn't want to kill your clan but he did it to keep you safe, he even visited the village even when he wasn't aloud to come back to make sure you where safe" I told him

He growled, he head butted my stomach, I fell to the ground, he got up and went to stab me but I rolled. I got up and looked at him, I looked back at Itchai and saw that he had passed out.

"I have the paper of the mission and the orders Itchai where given" I told him

He glared at me

"Give them to me" Sasuke demanded

I summoned the paper and gave it to him, while Sasuke looked over it I ran over to Itchai and started healing his wounds.

"No No" I heard Sasuke mumbled

I looked over and saw he was more enraged then ever, his eye had gone red, I released the other three and they ran over and read over the paper, I snapped me finger and the paper disappeared. I returned my focus back on Itchai and healed more of his wounds until he was stable, I stood up and saw that Sasuke had left most likely going after that banged freak, I summoned clones to help me carry Itachi back to my clans compound so I can treat his other wounds.

It took awhile but we got to the compound, I open the gate and we walked in. We made our way to the house, once we got there I opened the door and walked up the stairs to my parents room, I told the clones to set him on the bed. After that I had them help me take care of his other wounds while I cleaned some cuts.

"Alright that's the last one" I spoke

I dipped a wash cloth in cold water and squeezed the water out and folded it, I put it on his head then got up and left the room the clones following.

"Thanks for the help" I told them

They nodded then they puffed into smoke, I went to my room and saw Snow laying on my bed.

"Hello Snow" I said

"Hello, how did Itchai end up here?" She asked

"I stop Sasuke from killing him so I brought him here to heal and clean his wounds and to make sure they heal correctly" I told her

Snow snickered

"Yah well he'll probably leave right when he wakes up" she told me

"I like to see him try" I said

Snow jumped down form my bed and up onto my shoulder.

"How about we clean up the house?" She suggested

"Alright" I told her

She jumped down and walked next to me, we walked down the stairs and I started cleaning up the ash and collecting all the burnt stuff and throwing it away, once I was done with that I clean the counter and used a justu to replace the counter top and table. Once I was done in the kitchen I walked into the living room and did the same just replacing the furniture with the ones I bought a few days back. It took me three hours but I got the first floor done and all the rooms look a lot better, they looked liked how they did before just new furniture, the burnt smell was gone and the red carpet ran down the stairs again and the railings had been fixed. I left the upstairs for later since I was to tried to do it, I walked up the stairs and went and checked on Itchai, after that I walked to my room and laid down on my bed and fell asleep.

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