Chapter 5

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I woke up and felt a hard chest and arms wrapped around my waist, I turned around and saw Maiko right beside me with his hands around my waist. I smiled a little remembering all the times we used to cuddle like this when we were younger. My face became red when I saw he didn't have a shirt, I hadn't realized that he has that tone of a chest or that his abs were that define. This just shows he's not the same little boy I used to know, my face cooled down after a few minutes. I snuggled closer to him, and breathed in his sent. A small smile formed on my face.

Soon I'll be able to wake up with him next to me ever day like this and I'll be able to call him my husband and not my best friend.

When I was first told I was being put into an arrange marriage with him I was hurt and upset that my parents would do that, but over time I realized that they just wanted the best for me so I looked at the good that could come out of it.

I felt Maiko move his head in top of mine

"Good morning" He said his voice deep and groggy

"Good morning"

I moved a little and looked at his face, I ran my fingers through his hair to move it out of his face.

"We have to get up Lady Tsunade wants to see me and you have a team thing" He told me

I pouted

"Yah I guess" I said quietly

I looked at him and before I was about to get up he placed his hand on my cheek, my face turned bright red again.

"I can't wait to wake up to you ever morning" He told me

I smiled

"Neither can I but we have to get up" I told him

"Hm one more thing"

I raised an eyebrow

"What is it" I asked

He didn't respond, he closed the space between us. He placed his lips on mine, I was shocked since the only kiss I really had was when Sasuke left the village. After a few minutes I melted into the kiss, I was surprised on how soft they were. The kiss was gentle and soft but ended way to soon for my liking.

"I've always wanted to do that" He chuckled

"Will now you have so let's get up" I told him as I got up and went into the bathroom

I brushed my hair and teeth then went into the room and got changed into my ninja outfit, after I was done Maiko finished his shower.

"I'll see you when you get home" I told him

I walked over to him and gave him a quick peck on the lips before running out the door, I was fighting back the blush that was creeping up on my face.

"Why is he always late" Naruto groaned

"Seriously can't be he on time for once" Sakura mumbled

I giggle a little

"Guys how long have we known him for" I asked

"We've known him for a few years and Sai a few months" Sakura said

"Exactly and we still show up early when we know he's not going to be here till like three hours later" I said with a laugh

"Your right we do always do that" Naruto said

There was a poof and there Kakashi sensei was

"So you finally decided to grace us with your presents" I said sarcastically

"A black cat-" we cut him off

"A black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way" all three of us said in sync

"It's always the same excuses every time" Sakura complained

"He could be telling the truth in fact I saw four black cats this morning when I was walking here" Sai told us

"Haha here the thing Sai he's been using the same excuses ever since we meet him and most of the time he isn't telling the truth" I told him with a small laugh

I was unaware of the three men I made blush

"Right anyway we have a mission" Kakashi said in a bored tone

"Really what's the mission" Naruto yelled as he  jumped up and down

"Clam down Naruto let him speak" Sakura told him

"The mission is a simple one" he started but got cut off by me

"Kakashi sensei those are always your famous last words" I told him

"What the mission?" Sai asked

"Right will we have been asked to find and capture this man" He told us as he held up a picture

He had black hair with blue eyes, a scare going down his left eye, tan skin and looked to be in his 40s with crooked teeth.

"He has been kidnapping little kids girls and boys as well as teen girls who are mature for there age" He told us

"Do we know what he does with them" I asked

"The little kids he likes to treat nicely then once he has there trust he makes them his  slaves and torchers them and the teenage girls I'm pretty sure you can figure that one out yourself" He said

My face morphed into one of disgust

"When do we leave" Sai asked

"We leave at noon so go pack your bags and meet at the gate in 30 minutes" He told us

"Yah like you'll be there in 3o minutes you'll probably take an hour" Naruto mumbled

I chuckled as I walked away

I finished packing me bag, I grabbed my bag and put one strap over my shoulder, I left a note on the table letting Maiko know I won't be back for a few days maybe a week.

I left and walked towards the gate reaching it in a few minutes.

"Hey Y/n" Sakura waved

"Is Kakashi Sensei here" I asked

"No he's the last one the show topical" She grumbled

I laughed

"Maybe we should cut him some slack" I said

"We've done that so many times though" Sakura mumbled


I turned around and saw Kakashi walking with his hands in his pants pocket.

"Alright let's go" He said

We all left the village and started walking the path to were ever we were going, I should of asked what village we were going to but it slipped my mind.

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