Chapter 33

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Four months have gone by and there was still no signs of her waking up. Snow and Kai where on edge since the day marking the fifth month since she was in the coma was a week away and it was coming fast, her friends not so much since they haven't really talked to Snow or Kai let alone know about the decision they came up with. The only ones who know is Kakashi and Tsunade and the other squad leaders, at first they didn't agree much like Kai but soon they realized they where right.

Y/n's friends went from visiting once a week to now ever other week, weather they where busy or they just didn't want to visit her because they didn't have the strength to no one could really answer that not even them, but whenever they visited Snow and Kai wouldn't leave the room even if they wanted them to they didn't trust them. They didn't trust them to be alone in a room with her, weather it was because she was one of there best friends and was always there for them or because they happened to fall for her that was unclear.

During the first month news had gotten out that Itchai was still alive, and a few weeks later he came to the leaf, at first everyone was ready for an attack but he didn't all he did was walk to where the hokage's office was and talked to her. No one knows what they talked about but by the time they where done Itchai was once again a member of the leaf, at first no one really trusted him but it didn't seem to bother him in the slightest. Whenever he had free time he would always visit the hospital after he heard what happened. He may of only spent a few weeks with the girl but she somehow got past his walls and she become someone he cared about, weather it's be because she knew the truth or because she trusted him and didn't treat him like a criminal or the fact that she saved him. He was still unsure of the reason but he knew the feeling all to well, he has fallen for her, he won't say it out loud but he was scared to love someone because he had to kill the love of his life who he had imagined a future with when he had killed the clan, he had put her in a genjutsu that made her think they where able to grow old together. It had hurt him when he had killed her but he slowly got over it and now that he's fallen for the h/c haired girl he was worried that something bad was going to happen to her.

Kai sat on his bed just staring at the ceiling, he had been laying there for almost an hour. His hair wasn't in his usual ponytail but instead all over the place, his shirt well he had no clue where it was since he had thrown it last night and fallen asleep. He closed his blue eyes taking a deep breath trying to clear the many thoughts running through his head, he opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling again before putting his arm over his eyes.

His mind drifted to the future, a future with the h/c haired girl. He thought of what it would be like to be married to her and seeing her caring his child and watching the bump grow, what it would be like to raise the child together and spoiling it, he thought of her cooking and being there when he came home. So many thought of the future ran through his head and it all revolved around her, the girl he had fallen for when he was a child but he hide it and tried to forget it but then when he meet her again he couldn't help but fall in love with her all over again.

He sighed and removed the covers and sat up, his long brown hair descending down his back. He stood up and cracked his back and stretched hearing the pops of his other joints. He slowly walked over to the window and looked out at the pound, he zoned out until a knock brought him back.

"Who is it?" He called out

"It's Lilly" he heard a voice say

"Come in" he said

She walked in and closed the door behind her, she looked at him seeing his back and his long messy brown hair. She couldn't help the smirk that took over but she quickly hide it, she had liked him for a long time and always got jealous when she saw Y/n with him are when they where to close and being to touchy, so she decided she would take this time and make him hers and maybe somehow carry his child so he would be stuck with her.

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