Chapter 25

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For the next few days I had a lot of papers to do, but today I was finally free so I decided to go out and walk around, I put on a simple dress and left the house and walked around the town.

As I was walking I saw Sakura, I kept walking since I saw Anzu with her little brother, but sadly she stop me before I could reach them.

"Y/n" Sakura said

"What do you want" I asked

"Well I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out" she asked

"Why would I hang out with you if I remember correctly you called me a monster" I told her

"Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to jump to conclusions" she told me

"Well you did and I won't forgive you for what you caused" I told her

She then looked down at me stomach

"No you don't me" she started

"That I had a miscarriage right after you guys yelled at me and called me monster yes yes I did" I said

"We didn't mean for any of that to happen I'm sorry" Sakura told me now on the verge of tears

"I don't want your apologize because that's not gonna bring back mine and Maiko's child which was the only thing I had left of him" I said

I walked away but stopped and turned around

"Oh and Sakura I hope you enjoy your stay here" I told her

With that I walked away from her meeting up with Anzu and her little brother.

"What was that about?" She asked

"Nothing she's just someone who was my friend" I told her

She nodded and left it alone

"Now I see your all dressed up what the special occasion" I asked her brother

"It's my birthday" he said

"Oh and how old are you turning" I asked as we turned the corner

"I'm turning thirteen" he told me

"How about we go out to lunch my treat" I asked

"Are you sure I mean your probably busy" Anzu said

"It not a big deal I promise so where do you want to go birthday boy" I asked

He thought for a moment

"How about barbecue"

"Barbecue it is" I told them

We changed the way we where walking and walked into the barbecue place, we got a table and sat down. Soon we ordered or food and once it was brought to us we cooked it on the grill.

"So are you ready for the graduation test that's coming up?" I asked

"I'm more then ready and I can't wait to be a ninja like my sister"

"You really look up to her don't you" I said

"Of course I do I mean she raised me when my parents had to work"

I smiled at him

We talked about other things then I payed and we left going are own ways, as I was walking around I saw Kai so I went over to him.

"What are doing" I asked

"Well I was planning on buying more weapons"

"What happened to the ones you have?" I questioned

I looked up at him and he looked away laughing nervously

"I may or may not of um broke them" he told me

I stopped walking and looked at him

"How the hell do you break weapons" I asked

"I may have over used them" he told me

"How you don't train"

"I do to" he told me

"No you don't"

"Yes I do"

I sighed knowing I wasn't gonna win this one

"Fine you train but how did you over use them" I asked as I started walking again

"How the hell should I know all I did was train with them" he told me

I rolled my eyes

I looked ahead and saw Naruto and all the other teams, when they saw me and Kai they had confused looks, then they came up to us.

"Are you two dating" Naruto asked

"No where just friends" I told him

"Is there something we can help you guys with" Kai asked

"Oh yah we where wondering where to buy weapons" he said

"There's a store right up the street and another a few streets down but you wouldn't be able to afford that one" I told them

"What do you mean we wouldn't be able to afford that one?" Sakura asked

"Exactly how it sounds we have multiple of the same shops ones with lower prices and the ones with higher prices, they all sell the same thing just the shops with lower prices or more for visitors or ninjas who need more tools while the higher priced shops or for the clans people" I told them

"Why would you have it like that" Choji asked

I went to answer but Hinata beat me to it

"It's how it's always been" she said quietly

"She's right as you can see the elders and most of the adults and people our age or wearing clothing that you guys normally don't see nor would you wear it, it's because it's a tradition for us to wear this type of clothes but for the younger kids they haven't wore anything like this so there wearing clothes like you but also wear the traditional clothing, the reason that the elders and the people or age wear them almost everyday is because that what we grew up wearing, it's the same way with the shops it's how it's always been and it's how we grew up" I told them

"Right but it sounds stupid I mean the clothes and the shops" Sakura scaffold

"It may sound stupid to you Sakura but for us it has a meaning and this is how we honor our clans traditions" I told her

"Right but that doesn't answer why there's a lower price stores for people who aren't from the clan" Ino said

"I didn't say that I said I don't think you would be able to afford the higher price ones and the reason why I say this is because will to put it shortly you guys are seen as outsiders who or just staying here" I told them

"What she means is that our clan respects outsider and will be happy to welcome you but if you go asking for any help or want any information they won't give you it even if it was your mission to collect intel you wouldn't be able to get it nor would you be able to
find it since or clan doesn't tell outsiders about or secrets" Kai further explain

"If that's all we'll be one our way" I told them

They went to say something but we had already walked away, we got to the weapons store and Kai bought what he need then we returned home.

"Kai" I called out

He stopped and looked at me

"Yes?" He asked

"You know just as while as I do that our fight isn't over yet" I told him

"Your right it's far from over for us" he told me

"The allied forces war may be over but ours has just begun" I said

He nodded and walked up the stairs with me following, I walked into my room and looked out the window that faced the woods, soon I sat down at my desk and start writing plans.

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