Chapter 13

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There some music if you wanna listen to it although it really only goes with the first half, also you may need some tissues. Also the black dress is what your wearing for the first part, if you don't like it feel free to change it.

My eyes started watering when I was reading over it to look for any grammar mistakes

Anyway's that's all enjoy :)

I didn't want to get up, I didn't want to move. I just wanted to lay in bed all day and do nothing, but I couldn't. I slowly got up, I had a little bet of a headache from crying myself to sleep, I walked over to my closet and grabbed the black dress. I brushed my hair and put on my mothers necklace, I put some flats on, I walked over to the mirror.

I didn't want to go because if I did I'm saying goodbye for good, if I didn't go I could pretend that his alive that his just on a long mission. I felt tears running down my cheeks, I wiped them away but it was no use more just kept falling, I glanced at the table and saw a box. I walked over and picked up, I opened it and saw a ring, my lip quivered and I let out a sob.

I picked up the ring with my shaky hand, I let out another sob, I slowly put the ring on my ring finger on left/right hand. I feel to my knee and put my head in my hands, more sobs came out.

"Maiko" I cried out

I wanted him to walk through the door and hug me and tell me it was alright, that I'm safe that he would protect me but I knew he wouldn't.

I finally got myself together and wiped my face, I looked at the mirror again and saw that my eyes where red, I didn't care. I left my house not bothering to bring any weapons.

I walked down the street, it took me 15 minutes to get to the rooftop, when I reached the rooftop I saw that most of the people where there, I walked to the front and stood next to Naruto and Sakura.

"Where here for you" Sakura mumbled as she grabbed my hand

I weakly smiled at her

After a few minutes it started, they went on and on about how he was a great young man, that he died with honor and so on. I wasn't paying attention because I was to busy zoning out thinking what our future could of been together. Soon ninja came to take him to the cemetery, I stood where I was for a few more minutes.

"Let's go get something to eat" Kiba said as he walked over

I knew they where trying to cheer me up

"You guys can go I'm not hungry right now" I mumbled

I walked away and down the stairs, I made my way to my clans cemetery, I walked down the path, once I reached where Maiko's family was buried I walked over to there headstones.

I looked at his mothers then his fathers then his sisters, I then looked at his. Maiko's headstone was placed right in front of where he was just buried a little bit ago, since they used a jutsu there was no dug up dirt in fact it looked like he had been there for years.

I stared at his headstone, soon I feel to my knees again, tears started to falling.

He wanted to become a father and watch his kid grow and now he can't, his dream is gone. We won't be able to do all the things we planned to do together, we can't grow old with each or laugh at old memories, we can't hold each others hands anymore when we walk or watch the sunset together. It's was all ripped away from him, everything he dreamed of, everything he wanted to do was taken from him. It was taken from him with out another thought and only because they wanted to end our clan, they didn't think twice on what they where doing.

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