Chapter 30

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I needed to hurry the poison was working fast and I'm getting weaker by the minute.

"Are you gonna stand there all day?" He asked with a laugh

I got in a fighting position, he may of poisoned me but I'll fight till my last breath. I'm not letting everything I worked for go to wast nor am I gonna let those kids down, they don't need to know the kind of fear we went through 9 years ago when the clan was attacked, they don't need to know the fear of what it feels like to find your parents dead or see them get killed in front of there face. No I won't let that happen even if it costs my life I'll make sure these kids have a good future one with happiness and the freedom to do what they want, not one of running and hiding because of there last name, not one of living by themselves not one with the guilt and the buried on there backs, not one where they need to learn to protect there selves at a young ago where they need to grow up faster then they should, they deserve to be kids and be proctored by there parents and learn as they grow. Learn how to fight and become a Shinobi or Kunoichi's if they want, to learn how cruel the world is over time and when there ready which is not now there to young and innocent to know how cruel and unfair the world can be. So I'll fight Naikai to my last breath if I have to, but I know one thing for sure he won't get the pleasure of killing me, he won't get the pleasure of watching me die. If I dye then I dye but I'll be damned to dye before I kill this poor excuse of a man, what he is. Is a selfish person not caring what his actions cause his a monster a power hungry one at that.

If he kills me and take over the clan they will suffer greatly, he'll use the clans riches for himself while the clans people suffer. He'll beat them and in force laws that will be unfair, if he's the ruler then the clan may as well burn to the ground. I know that the clan would fight him but he would kill the ones who did until the clans people became hopeless, he'll do many terrible things to them and I can't let that happen so until my last breath I'm gonna put up one hell of a fight.

"You may be strong but your not a true ninja and never will be, a true ninja fights for good and proctors there home and the people who live there so I'll fight you until my last dying breath and I won't give you the pleasure of watching me dye" I told him

"Such big words for a little girl" he chuckled

He ran forward and attacked me, I blocked him. He went for my feet so I jumped up and flipped over him and kicked his back and infused charka to the bottom of my feet, he went flying to the ground. I landed on the ground and started doing hand signs, once I was done I ran forward blue lighting surrounding my hand and the sound of birds filled the air.

I ran to him and brought my arm up and pushed my hand through his chest, he poofed and saw it was a log. I cursed under my breath and chucked the log.

"I must say your still pretty strong even with the poison going through your veins" Naikai laughed

I turned around and threw kunai and shuriekn which he dodge but some cut him.

He started doing hand signs, once he was done he slammed his hand on the ground and roots started coming out of the ground, my eyes widened as I jumped back.

'He has wood style but that's extremely rare in fact I think the only person I've seen with it is Yamato' I told Luna

'If he has wood style be careful Y/n its powerful' Luna told me

I ran on top of the wood and did hand signs of my for the giant fire ball jutsu, I jumped up and flipped and brought my thumb and pointer finger together and made a circle and blew through it making a fire ball. I then went towards him, he dodged but not with out getting a few minor burns.

Time skip

Sweat was dripping from my face, it couldn't of been more then 20 minutes but yet it felt like hours had gone by. The poison was taking effect and slowing me down and it's also messing with my charka which leaves me unable to do some jutsu's.

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