Chapter 10 [pt.3]

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Third pov

Tsunade stood looking out the window not knowing what to do, when the group returned she notice one person mission, she asked were he was they told her he was injured and told them to kept going.

"Damnit" Tsunade said

She punched the wall feeling over whelmed

A nurse walked into Y/n's room and saw her eyes were moving, she walked over and her eyes fluttered open, she looked around the room.

"Your up" she said

The nurse quickly ran out the room and grabbed the doctor, he ran in and took her vitals, he told someone to inform the others.

Y/n's pov

I heard the noises around me, I tried to open my eyes but they didn't open, I kept trying and soon they opened, I was blinded by the sunlight shining through the window. The nurse that was standing beside my bed ran out, she came back in with a doctor, he took my vitals and told her to tell the others.

"How long was I in a coma" I asked

"You were in a coma for 4 mouths" he told me

I was shocked I was out for that long, soon he left and I looked out the window, everyone came and saw me they were happy that I was up.

But I didn't see Maiko, he's most likely on a mission.

Soon they left and Tsunade came in, she sat next to me and grabbed me hand.

"Y/n" she said

"Tsunade" I said with a smile

"Glad to see your awake did everyone come and see you" she asked

"Yah but I didn't see Maiko is he on a mission" I asked

She looked down at my bed, a wave of dread washes over me.

"I'm sorry Y/n he was injured on a mission he told his team to go ahead" she told me

My world stopped, my chest became tight my voice caught in my throat, he can't be dead.

"Thanks" I told her

Soon the doctor came in and told me I could go, I got up and grabbed everything everyone left and went to my house. I set it all on my table not bothering to look who they were from.

I walked into my room and looked out the window, tears started to fall.

"No he can't be dead he promised me" I mumbled

I let out a sob, my knees buckled, I sat on the ground not bothering to get up.

"Maiko you promised me would you live" I said

More tears fall, another sob left my mouth.

"Maiko" I cried out

I screamed, I cried harder. I didn't want to except it, I didn't want to believe he was dead that he wasn't coming back that I was truly alone, I got up and punched the wall. I walked over to my desk and started throwing random things, some was paper some books, I grabbed my cup of pens and pencils and threw it at the ground, the pens and pencils went everywhere.

I grabbed the empty vase and threw it at the wall, it shattered into small peaces, I screamed again, I kept throwing random things from my desk, I threw strategy plans and reports that weren't done, I only stopped when the desk was empty, my floor was covered in books,paper,pens and pencils, and some glass here and there. I fell to the ground my body shaking from how hard I was crying, I heard the door open and someone walking to my door, I heard the door open.

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