Chapter 43

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It's been a few weeks since I've left the hospital and those few weeks have been nothing but chaos, one by one the boys have confessed there feelings for me. Some caught me by surprise while others didn't like when Sasuke confused to me, when I was still in the hospital but that's besides the point.

I sat down at my desk writing somethings down and filling paper work. The door opened, I looked up and saw Kai walking in with a box.

"Yes?" I asked

He didn't answer but sat the box down on the desk, I gave him a questioning look.

"What's this" I asked

"I found it up in the attic at the house I thought you threw it away" he said

I raised my eyebrow, I stood up and opened the box. I took the first thing out, it was a drawing I did when I was younger.

I took everything out of the box and sat it on my desk.

"I forgot about this" I chuckled sadly

I picked up a picture of me,my father and my mother. Even with all the terrible things my parents did to the people of this clan I'm not gonna throw away everything that reminds me of them. Even if I was little and didn't understand what they where doing, all theses memories where my childhood, it was what brought me happiness and peace when I was little. But now that I knew the truth I can't find the peace in what my parents used to tell me to calm down or stop me from over thinking. Now that I'm older and completely understand what they did was wrong I can't see them the same way I did when I was little, I don't look up to them anymore, I look down at them now understanding with how low they where. How they let there hunger for power completely devour them, that they wanted me to be that same as them.

But even with all the bad that outweighs the positive all this was still my childhood the one that I was care free in and even if I can't see my parents in the same light I still want to remember my childhood how it was stress free I didn't have such a heavy burden weighing me down like I do now.

I looked up at Kai as he looked at an old photo of use that had Maiko in it.

"Thank you for finding this Kai" I said

"I can put it back if you want" he said as he started putting stuff away

"No it's okay go finish what you were doing I'll take care of this" I told him


He looked at the picture again before he left, I ran my hand over the photo a sad smile coming over my face.

'I should pay them a visit don't you think'

'It's up to you but remember only visit if you think you can handle it and if your ready' Luna told me

'I think I am plus it's long over due' I told her

I got up and grabbed the photos and walked out, I walked outside and to the clan's cemetery.

It took me twenty minutes for me to get there, once I did I pushed the gates open and walked to the center and up the stairs. I sat down on my knees and grabbed the picture that had the three of us, I put it in the center of there headstones. I sat there for a few minutes, I looked down at my hands then looked up to the clans symbol.

I chuckled

"It's been awhile" I spoke

I looked around me taking a deep breath

"You know when I was younger I saw you two as my hero's people who I looked up to, I wanted to be like you, but now that I know the truth about what you did, I can't think of you as the same way as I did before" I started

I looked down at the photo bitting my lip as I looked at my smiling face, and the look of innocence in my eyes.

"But now that I know the truth about you guys I can see that you weren't the perfect people you played out to be that you were nothing but monsters who let there hunger for power take over them, when I was younger whenever of I thought of you guys I thought of happiness, peace, hope and light but now when I think of you all I think of is darkness, the light that you once held in my eyes is gone and it won't come back, even if I find a letter to me saying how you apologize for what have done to our people, I will burn it because it changes nothing, it would change nothing because it won't ever undo what you did"

I looked at the headstones running my hand over it, I took a deep breath and clenching my fist my knuckles turning white.

"Another thing I can never forgive you for was kicking Kai out of clan compound when he was just a little boy, a little boy who did nothing wrong a little boy who was innocent, a little boy who over heard you talking and you kicking him out of the compound just shows how weak you guys were and that you were scared of what he say, but the fact that you lied to me about what happened to him and that he betrayed us"

I chuckled

"What you didn't think I wouldn't find out about that did you, well I did and what you did was wrong, what you did to our people was wrong and I'll never forgive for it" I finished

I got up and grabbed the other picture walking down the stairs, I walked down the path again.

I stopped and stood there looking down at the headstone before I knelt down and placed the picture behind his headstone.

"It's been a long time Maiko" I spoke

I looked at his sisters headstone before turning back to his

"I found Kai and brought back" I said chuckling a little

"He's still the same, we rebuilt the clans compound and there were more survivor's then we thought there were, I'm okay even though I used that jutsu and I know that if you were still here you would be scolding me non stop"

I laughed as a tear fell

"But you would probably be even more disappointed with me choosing to give up before it was my time, but I changed my mind not wanting to break the promise I made to you and Emma all those year ago, so I choose to live to be there for my friends, even if it was a long road to recover" I told him

I ran my hand over his headstone a sad smile making its way onto my face, I got up and left.

I walked back to the office and walked in, I sat down and looked out the window, a white butterfly passed by the window a small smile coming to me face.


I have no idea how many more chapters there gonna be but we'll see I also have two ideas on how this book will end...

Anyways that alls for now

Until the next update ~

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