Chapter 12 [pt.2]

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I got up and looked at the direction they were coming from.

"We have an unwanted guest" I told them

They joined my side waiting to see who it was, it could either be a rouge,Sand ninja or a Sand ANBU, but it's probably not an ANBU because they would be smart enough to hide there chakra signature so they wouldn't be found.

But they stopped a few meters away, I waited a few more minutes before I pretended to let my guard down, I walked over to Kakashi.

"There still here but they stopped a few meters away our best bet is to kept moving" I whispered

He nodded

We packed up everything and got on our way, I felt them following us, I was starting to get annoyed since they had the chance to attack earlier but they didn't take it.

"Kakashi Sensei I'm gonna go get water" I told him

"Alright well stop at the clearing coming up"

I diverted from the group and went to the small river, I put my water bottle in the water to fill it up, as I was closing the bottle I sensed something coming at me.

I jumped into the water, I opened my eyes and stayed under for a few more seconds before I had to go up and breath. When my head reached the surface I took a big breath, I swam back to the muddy sore.

I looked up to a tree and saw someone standing on it.

"Who are you and why have you been following us" I asked

I looked for the other charka signatures but I couldn't find them, my guess is after I separated from the group they went after them while this person followed me.

"Feisty" I heard a female voice say

She jumped down from the tree, she had shoulder length jet black hair, tan skin, she had scars on her face,arms, and legs.

"What do you want?" I asked

"Easy we want to end the l/n which means we have to kill you" she told me

"I'm not the only survivor" I told her

She laughed

"Yes you are we already took care of that boy" she said laughing again

'No he can't be killed that easily' I thought

No matter how many times she told me I wouldn't believe her.

I took 6 kunai and threw them at her, I knew she would dodge them but I wanted her too. When she jumped out of the way I jumped up with her and kicked her side sending her crashing into the trees.

"Looks like I'll get to have some fun" she told me with sinister smirk

I growled

She ran forward doing hand signs for a water jutsu

"Water style: water bullets" she yelled

Multiple water bullets formed, they came at me all at once. I jumped and flipped out of the way from the first few, I ran over to the trees and hide behind them for the rest.

I started doing hand signs of my own coming out from behind the three.

"Fire style: great fire ball" I yelled

I jumped up and brought my thumb and pointer finger together to form a circle, I brought it to my lips and blew. A big fire ball formed in front of me, I sent it directly at her, she was able to dodge it just barely though.

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