Chapter 17

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It's been two weeks since I left the village and I've just been walking around stopping at different villages and learning some new things here and there, I decided yesterday that I would go back to my clans compound and stay there. Once I got to the gates I pushed them open, I walked in and saw the brunt buildings along with the ones that where still standing and the others that where nothing but rumble.

The compound has been untouched since that day besides when Hinata came and found my mothers dress and when I came here with everyone else to get the pendant and to find Snow,but that was a few years ago. I walked down the empty streets looking at all the remaining houses and buildings remembering when they where all well kept instead of being run down, I remember the street being full of laughter and joy but now there quiet and over grown by weeds and some grass.

I made it to my house, I looked at it for a minute trying to picture when the house stood in its former glory surrounded by well kept plants and flowers, when the lawn had no weeds in it. I walked up the steps the boards creaking ever so slightly, I got to the double doors and twisted the once golden door knobs that was now chipped and burnt, I walked in the house and was met with the smell of brunt wood and ash. I walked around the first floor and saw some things that had survived the fire, I walked up the stairs that once had a red rug running down it but now was nothing more then burnt carpet full of ash, I walked down to my room and opened the door, I smiled softly at it and the fact that some of it wasn't touched by the fire.

I walked over to my bed and took a scroll out and summoned the box that was sealed inside it, I opened it and took out the pendant and put it on, I sealed the box back into the scroll and set it on my dresser.

I put my other scrolls on my bed for now since I knew my team nor anyone from the village would come here, and if they did those aren't really important and all they have is some extra clothes and food.

"Snow" I called

She jumped off the bed and walked behind me as I walked out the the room closing the door behind me and walking down the stairs and out the door.

I made my way to the building and walked in, I did the hand signs and the floor opened revealing the stairs, I walked down them the
torches lighting themselves, once I made it down to the room I waited for all the torches to light. Once they where I went over to the wall and placed the pendant in the craving and once the wall opened I took it out, I walked into the room filled with scrolls, weapons and books.

I walked over to the shelves and started counting while Snow did it from the other side.

"No this can't be right where short one" I said

"What do you mean?" Snow asked confused

"I mean where missing one it's either somewhere in this room or someone else took it" I told her

"I look for it while you recount"


I counted the files and again I got ten, I looked over at Snow as she jumped back onto the table.

"I didn't find it, did you recount" she asked

"There ten where missing one" I said

"Which one is it" she asked

"It's the one about the ten tails along with the file about me in it" I told her

"Who would of taken it" she wondered

"I don't know" I told her

I thought for a minute

"The only person who knew where the pendent was Maiko and Kai" I said

It then clicked what was Kai doing in the sand because if he wanted me to know he was alive he would of confronted me a long time ago. So why did he choose now, unless he was close by and he sensed my charka.

"If Kai did take it where would he take it to" I wonder out loud

"Most likely the leaf since that's where your living" Snow told me

"Right, he would do anything to make a bigger target on my back then there already is" I told her

"Doesn't he know what's in that file?" Snow asked

"Yes he does which makes it all more dangerous, since he knows what that file contains then he knows what can happen if Tsunade sees it" I told her

I put the box away and walked out of the room, Snow following behind me. I closed the door and walked back up the stairs the torches going out behind me, once I got to the top I closed the floor and left the building going back to the house. Once I got there I packed some weapons and extra clothes and left, I walked down the street and out the gates closing them behind me.

'If Kai really did steal it and he gives it to Tsunade then who knows what could happen' I thought

That file was never made to be taken out of the room, my parents didn't make that file the elders did, once my parents saw what they collected and what was in it they told them to get rid of it. Once it was placed in that room my parents put a file about the ten tails on top of it, there's not much in that file just a few things we knew about the ten tails at the time, but the file about me has stuff that was never meant to get out that my parents wanted no one to know and told me to never tell anyone not matter what, because if someone found out I could be killed or used as a weapon. One thing for sure if Tsunade sees that file she won't leave it alone and it will only turn out bad and cost deathly blows.

I was brought out of thoughts when Snow jumped on my shoulder.

"I wouldn't overthink it Y/n" she told me

"Snow if that file is out in the open nothing good will come of it" I said

"I know but you can't do anything about it now it's to late" she told me

"Right but maybe if I did something sooner or gotten rid of it when we went back to the compound a few years ago maybe this wouldn't of happened" I told her

"Right but you can't change what happen the only thing you can do is figure out what to do next and how to get it back" she told me

"Your right and one things for sure when I get it back I'm burning it for good, nothing good ever happens when the file is out in the open and we learned that the first time it happened" I told her mumbling the last bit

Snow just sighed, she jumped down from my shoulder and walked next to me not saying a word. She knew I was right, the first time this file was out in the open two people died because they knew what was in that file, they where killed by rouges who where trying to get the file. After that my parents told the clan that no one outside the clan is aloud to know about that file nor is anyone aloud to bring it up with outsiders or with other people in the clan.

I sighed trying not to think about that, I glanced down at Snow and saw her just walking not saying anything, I grabbed a little treat I head and threw it to her, she caught it and ate it, we walked in silence.

"Y/n" Snow said

I looked down at her

"Yes?" I asked

"I was wondering if you still had feelings for Kai" she asked me

My face became red from embarrassment

"Why are you bring that up?" I asked

"Because I remember you having feelings for him and Maiko" she told me

"Your right but after I got out in an arrange marriage with Maiko I tried to shut those feelings for Kai out, but when he confronted me at the sand village my mind got clouded with past memories of us and my feelings came back, I also didn't want to hurt him for some reason even though he was trying to kill me" I told her

"So what are you gonna do?" She asked confused

"Will I'm gonna try and push them down that's the only thing I can do" I told her

Snow hummed and kept walking, I looked forward and just thought about all the memories I had with Kai and all the fun times we had.

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