Chapter 2

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Natanya would have preferred to sign the treaty herself.

No offense to Hayley, but having her as advocate to the wolves felt a little wrong, especially when it concerned the Crescent Pack. She was born a Crescent, but she'd hardly lived with them. Hardly learned anything about them.

Or perhaps, she would have preferred for Jackson to sign the treaty. He was the Alpha, after all.

But her mind continued to drift to herself. She'd never had an official leadership position, which made it easy to learn dynamics without worrying about how her individual choices would affect the Pack. If anyone could advocate for the wolves without causing a massive problem for the four species involved, it was her (potentially, given the fact she sometimes didn't trust herself).

"Jeez, you are so out of it."

She blinked, looking at Aiden, who was sitting on her bed, observing the clothes that she was tossing over her shoulder, which were going to be given to some of the younger wolves that might need to fill their closets.

"What did you say?" she asked, not sure what he'd been talking about. "I was just thinking."

"I said that I got the number of the guy I danced with yesterday."

"Was it the caterer boy that kept knocking into people?"


"I didn't know you liked the clumsy ones."

"And I didn't know you liked the dead ones."

Natanya whipped her head around. "What?"

"You heard me," said Aiden, holding up some of her old shorts and stretching them a bit. "You were dancing with Elijah Mikaelson. You didn't even want to go to the party."

"He wanted to apologize for almost killing me the other night."

"Well, yeah, but then, he danced with you for quite awhile."

"Just to say that he'd never hurt me again and that he wanted us to be on the same side."

"I'd say he was hinting at something more intimate, but the dude acts like a crown prince. He's too proper for that."

"Ugh, gross, no. He's the worst of the worst. Been around a thousand years, could have slept with one of my ancestors. He said the vampires viewed us as barbaric. I bet he thinks the same thing, he just won't say it because he knows his expensive suit will get mucked up in the fight that would arise from that. I don't care if he's the king of an entire country— he's a vampire."

"And?" said Aiden, who held up his hands to shield his face when Natanya hurled a shoe at him. "I'm just saying, he's hot. When was the last time you even got some?"

"That's none of your business," she said sharply.

"It's been awhile," he said. "Way too long."

"Well, I don't really feel like I can enjoy myself when I'm here. Give me two years, and I'll be in another state, screwing everyone who tells me I'm pretty."

"What's so bad about Elijah, other than the fact he's a vampire? I know we're supposed to hate them, but that limits us somuch. There were so many hot vampires at the party last night and I forced myself not to talk to them, even though I really wanted to! The dude didn't mean to almost kill you."

"If he did it once, he might do it again. All it takes is a bad episode or a witch's curse, and he'll lash out at me again. Why would I put myself at risk just for sex?"

Aiden smirked. "You only live once..."

"Don't continue that sentence."

"...why stop yourself when you could have the best sex of your life?"

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