Chapter 14

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There was no excitement for Natanya that night.

Elijah had vanished. So had Klaus and Rebekah. Hayley and Jackso had gone upstairs before the party was even fully over, and soon, all the guests were leaving. Aiden had been about to leave with Josh when the vampire suddenly sped away, having seen some sort of urgent message on his phone. Aiden had given Natanya a ride, and the two had fallen asleep in her cabin, wondering why their partners had left in such a rush.

The next day, they'd learned why.

"Holy shit," whispered Natanya when Elijah arrived at her door the following morning, to inform her that Kol had died. Apparently, Finn had managed to curse his witch body, and the youngest Mikaelson brother hadn't made it. It was why Rebekah hadn't been at the wedding. "Elijah... are you okay? Is there anything I can do?"

"I have... taken my time to grieve," he said. "Unfortunately, it did nothing for me. What I need is to be rid of Finn. He poses a threat to Hope. I expect by tonight, all the wolves will be informed of the situation, so that you may be wary. If possible, I would like for you to... move into the Compound as well."

"Move into the Compound?" she repeated. "And give up this cabin just when I finally got it to myself?"

Elijah's lip twitched when he realized she was teasing. "For safety. If Finn were to learn that you now reside alone here... he could come after you."

"To get to you," she deduced.

He nodded. "I let myself get too... distracted, yesterday. I made it very clear to everyone at the wedding what I feel for you. Many already knew. It places a target on your back. I know that we have... already somewhat gotten underway, but we do not need to continue. We should not. It poses too great a threat to you, not just from me, from my entire family. Finn attempted to kill Hope. I stopped him. He will wish for revenge, and he may take it out on you."

"This is my home, Elijah. Living in the Bayou is all I've ever known. I can't make this decision so quickly... I need time to plan, and to move. I don't know if I want to live in the Compound five feet away from my brother and his wife. Since last night, my hearing has gotten better. My senses. It's gonna feel really weird."

"Tell me where you'd prefer to live, and I can acquire an apartment for you. I could find you a car—"

"I can't drive," she said. "I mean, like, I know how, obviously, but I don't have an official license... kinda hard to get one when you're stuck as a wolf for the majority of the month. And since I only just got back to living life out here, I haven't had a chance to do anything about that. You don't need to get me all these things. Let me fend for myself. Your moral support is all I need, you know, if I don't pass my driver's exam the first time and whatnot. I need time to figure it out on my own. When I do eventually leave my Pack, I need to know how to do it all without relying on anyone. Just in case I'm ever stuck alone and I need to survive."

"Of course," he said. "All I ask is that you be careful. There is something I got you, in the meantime, that I'm hoping you will accept..." he handed her a box containing a cell phone.

"Elijah, people are gonna think you're my sugar daddy if they see you giving me stuff like this," she said in shock, looking at the phone. "Wow... same as Aiden's, so I'll know how to use it... I can't accept this for free, let me pay you—"

"You may pay your own cell phone bill, if it is that important to you," he said with a small smile. "I've taken the liberty of placing my number into it. If you need anything— absolutely anything— simply call, and I will come to your assistance. Jackson took the liberty of informing me that you and Aiden wish to acquire your GEDs. I have a contact who can help you both prepare for the test. Not to mention an ample supply of books and study spaces within the Compound, so that you may accompany each other in your studies."

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