Chapter 13

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Hope was alive.

Natanya slowly brought a hand up to cover her mouth. Her expression was one of fear mingled with shock and also, adoration of the tiny creature now in her brother's arms.

This was what all the fuss was about. Why Hayley had not wanted to participate in the Rite of Divulgement. Why Klaus had tried to kill Jackson before he could learn the truth. Why he was so adamant about keeping Natanya from Elijah. He knew his brother (and Hayley, too, most likely) would have wanted to tell her the truth. And he couldn't have that happening.

"Oh my god," she said, seeing that Elijah was standing across the room from her, looking at her with a small smile on her face. She slowly walked forward, and Jackson turned, revealing that the little girl had the most beautiful eyes Natanya had ever seen on a child.

"Natanya, this is Hope," said Hayley softly as the wolf brought her hand down.

"She's so beautiful," she said, holding her arms out as Hayley gestured for Jackson to hand Hope to her. Natanya slowly hugged her to her chest, and the little girl squealed, pulling at her shirt. "Hi little one..."

"I wanted to tell you and Jackson since the beginning," said Hayley. "But it wasn't safe."

"I... I understand," said Natanya, beaming as Hope started to play with her hair. "Aw... you are the sweetest little thing... a baby Crescent."

"She has the birthmark and everything," said Hayley. "I didn't know it appeared that early on."

"Yeah, it's the kinda thing that appears a few months in, in this Pack, to show that you have the gene. Jackson had it but my Grandma still doubted that he was a werewolf 'cause he was so nice to everyone..."

"Perhaps we ought to get on with the preparations?" suggested Klaus loudly, causing Natanya to curse internally before handing Hope to Hayley.

"I'm going to get dressed," she told them. "Jackson, get changed, too. Hayley, well, you have your wedding dress, so all is well."

She walked off, finding herself feeling nervous at the prospect of approaching Elijah. Thankfully, he had followed after her, making the move instead.

"Natanya," he said quietly, standing in the doorway of Hayley's room as the wolf grabbed her dress, which she'd laid out on the hybrid's bed.

"Hello," she told him, gathering the dress. "I... I didn't know you were out there, taking care of her. I guess I just thought you ran off to Europe, or something."

He half-smiled. "If I could have, I would have taken you with me, so you could have met her sooner."

"Are you feeling... better?"

"A bit. It is still quite an adjustment. But your words, your fidelity, it has helped."

"I wish there was more I could do. But there's so much I don't understand about that..." she stopped as he came to stand right in front of her.

"All I can think about is you," he said, bringing his hand up to cup her face. "Ever since my mother forced my mind open, I have felt an inexplicable urge to be near you. And I feared so deeply that if I allowed my desires to overtake me, it would only lead to bloodshed. In the past, I have never even dreamed of being this vocal. And yet, now, all I wish to do is tell you every last thing on my mind."

Her breath hitched as he moved so close, that her legs hit the edge of the bed, and she sank onto it, staring up at him. He kept his hand on her face, though he slid it to be under her chin, tilting her head upward. "I crave you," he said bluntly. "I crave your blood. Your body. I wish to know you, to understand how a woman who has suffered so much at the hands of vampires could be so keen on helping one face his demons. And yet, I think of my desires, and I feel selfish. Because I'll never fulfill yours the way you would mine."

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