Chapter 19

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Klaus was not going to take 'no' for an answer.

"Deep down, it's what you've always wanted," he said, walking away from her and holding the vial up for himself. "They've called you the Crescent Princess to mock you. The truth is, they're fools. You've done far more for the Pack than your brother ever has, and they've never respected you for this. Now this... this will grant you respect."

"I'm already leaving the Pack," said Natanya. "I don't care about their respect anymore."

"You are leaving the Pack, yes," said Klaus. "But you're not leaving the French Quarter, are you?"

She faltered, and he continued, "You intended to leave in April. It is still a couple of months until then. You haven't planned where you'll go. I imagine this 'own place' you mean is just an apartment not far from here. After all, you wouldn't abandon Elijah."

"I wanted to be free," said Natanya. "This doesn't grant me freedom. We've all heard about what you did to your last group of hybrids. Killed them for breaking the sirebond."

"There will be no sirebond this time," he said. "That is the beauty of it."

"Wait... what? But... why not? Why would you be so bent on turning Aiden if you won't be able to guarantee him helping you?"

Klaus smirked. "You and Aiden can already control your turning, as can any wolf who attended Hayley and Jackson's wedding. In the past, prior to knowing about any Unification Ceremonies, my hybrids had a sirebond with me because turning them resulted in full control over their wolf forms. They were indebted to me, for freeing them of that curse. Supernaturally, here, you will not owe me anything. But... if turned... you and Aiden will always know that your immortality is a gift from me. One I can take at any time."

She scoffed. "So you're expecting us to do your every bidding based on the fact that we know you'll kill us and take the immortality away if we don't? That's ridiculous. Anyone could kill us at any time."

"If you were at my side, I would protect you. Allow you both to be with your significant others without it being a problem."

"Uh, yeah, but I bet there isn't a 'three strikes and you're out' system. The first thing we do that pisses you off, you'll kill us and it'll all be for nothing. No. Hell no. I'm not doing this for you, Klaus."

He raised his eyebrows. "You wouldn't do it... even for your family?"

"Don't do this," she pleaded, knowing what he was insinuating. "Don't force me into this. Hurting them isn't going to get you what you want."

"You wouldn't do it, even if I would spare Aiden?"

"You wouldn't spare him, don't bullshit me. You'd kill him the first chance you got."

"I give my word that I'll let him live a happy and fruitful life if you accept."

"This was always what you wanted, wasn't it?" whispered Natanya. "Why you won't ever leave me alone. You want me so miserable and so desperatere, that I'll accept to being your little spy."

"How else can I protect my family?" he said. "You will not easily be tamed. Thus, you must be threatened. And only I can provide that to an adequate degree. Only I can protect my daughter. I must take matters into my own hands and fix this all myself. You wolves listen only to your Alpha. Though, I've already heard that you and your Alpha are having some problems. Mind explaining why?"

She shook her head. "I do mind. I won't be telling you shit."

"I could very easily go into your mind, Princess. I would find out what you're hiding from me."

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