Chapter 45

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Natanya was frantic.

As if the hallucinations hadn't been bad enough, now, she had to deal with this.

She was terrified, in all honesty. Terrified for Elijah to come back. Because she had a feeling that she'd rush into his arms and forget every promise she made to herself to heal instead of running back into a relationship that wasn't healthy for her. His death had hurt her more than she'd wished it to.

"Rebekah and Kol just landed," announced Klaus when he found Freya preparing for a spell. "I just assured them we're mere moments from returning our brother to life. Don't make me a liar."

"I can't resurrect Elijah until I'm certain his mind is whole," said Freya.

"Well, you saved Finn with that very trinket," said Klaus, pointing at the blue shards. "What's the problem?"

Freya was holding back a face that would have said, 'Are you stupid?' "When that pendant was shattered, Elijah's mind shattered with it. He's most likely retreated to the innermost of his consciousness."

"Okay," said Hayley from the other end of the room. "How do we find that?"

Freya bit her lip. "I don't know. It could be anywhere in over a thousand years of memories, but if I try fixing the pendant before finding him and healing his mind; he'll be permanently fractured, like casting a broken bone before it's been properly set."

"Spare me the medical analogies and fix him," said Klaus gruffly.

"I need to go inside and find him," explained the elder sister. "Once I'm sure his mind is stable, then I can fix the pendant."

Klaus snapped his fingers. "Well, then stop talking and get in there."

"Klaus," said Cami sharply, entering the room from behind him. "Let her do what she needs to do at her pace. How about you and I go for a walk while we wait to meet with your siblings?"

He nodded, and she took his arm, leading him away.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" asked Natanya, pacing back and forth. "Freya..."

"He's my brother," she said simply. "I'm not gonna stop until he's safe. As long as you're still alright with me channeling you..."

"I said that I'd do anything to help him. I'm not breaking that promise. Elijah's always tried to keep his word. I need to do the same. Are you sure that this can bring him back today?"

Freya made a 'so-so' motion with her hand. "Somewhat. Channeling you will give me extra power, and if we fix the pendant, I may be able to resurrect him today. By the time we're ready for that, Rebekah and Kol will be here. I may ask to channel them and even Niklaus to generate sufficient power to bring him back."

"Are you almost ready to do the spell?" asked Hayley. "Or is it still gonna take awhile?"

"I need half an hour more to make final checks and to prepare the pendant and his body."

"In that case," said Hayley, tugging at Natanya's arm, "you should probably eat."

"Do I still look sick?" she asked once they arrived in the dining hall.

"Yeah, you do. It's like... you don't look older, but you look so exhausted. You're all pale and you can just tell you're not okay. You said the hallucinations went away."

"They did, but I guess I'm still replenishing. Not to mention they'll probably come back as soon as he resurrects. I'm scared, Hayley. What if it doesn't work? What if... what if we were too late, and we can't fix the pendant? It would be all my fault."

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