Chapter 21

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The storm continued to rage overhead.

They'd reached Mary's cabin to gather tarps and tents for the journey ahead. They had around twenty wolves with them, and everyone needed to get more clothes, considering their bags were now sopping wet.

Hayley had gone into the cabin to feed Hope and try to get her to sleep, while the others wolves set up a tarp. Beneath it, Jackson and Natanya were mapping a route out to one of the main roads past the Mississippi River. Off to the side, Mary was preparing materials for what appeared to be a strange herbal mixture.

"You two doing alright?" asked Mary, peering over at Jackson and Natanya.

"Drenched and cold but we'll be okay," said Natanya. "One of the benefits of being supernatural. We can't get sick from this."

"Reckon you need more bodies to help with the supplies?" asked Mary. "I'll be coming along."

"You don't have to do that," said Jackson. "It's best if you stay here, safe. With a proper roof over your head."

Mary tsked, shaking her head. "Ah, I wasn't asking for your permission. I've been around a whole lot longer than the two of you. I know when y'all need help. At least have another person to be with the baby when needed. You all can shift into your wolf forms with no problems now. My old bones don't much like all that."

"Are you sure?" asked Natanya. "It's not gonna be an easy trip if this storm continues. I know you've taken long journeys before but not in this sort of weather."

Mary nodded. "I am sure. Don't you worry about me." She looked up as Hayley exited the cabin. "How's that little one?"

"Sleeping right through the storm," said Hayley. "Mary, I appreciate you coming, but you should know what you're going up against."

Mary cast her a look. "An ancient witch wants to steal my granddaughter? Not on my watch." She held up her bundle of herbs. "I brought you something that might come in handy. In my youth, wolves and witches had a peace. A Voodoo queen I knew showed me how to use herbs to see if magic was afoot. Combine Solomon seal and snapdragon and burn 'em."

She held up a lighter to the herbs, dropping them into a clay bowl. "If the smoke is white," she said, "all's clear. If it's black, there's a hex in the air. And if it's red... well, then you know you're in trouble."

As if on command, the clay bowl began to spout black smoke. "Just what I thought," said Mary. "This storm ain't natural."

"It's Dahlia," said Hayley anxiously. "She's trying to pin us down."

"One of the wolves went to check the perimeter earlier," said Jackson. "The main road to the highway is flooded. The quickest way out of here is on foot, through back roads. Tanya and I got it marked, and we've got the best path ready, provided there aren't any fallen trees to worry about." He then frowned, seeing Hayley still looked worried. "What's wrong?"

"Elijah called while I was rocking Hope to sleep," said Hayley. "Klaus is gone, and they don't know where he went."

"How the hell is he gone?" asked Natanya. "I thought they daggered him."

"Somehow, he got the dagger out."

"Then we need to move now," said Natanya. "No more delays."

Hayley pursed her lips. "What about the others? We can't expect all of them to come with us."

Jackson whistled. "Everyone, gather 'round!" He turned to Hayley. "You tell 'em whatever you think they need to hear. We'll see what they say."

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